Global Citizen Festival: STAMPEDE, "shots" heard at a popular music event


Thousands of partygoers rushed to flee the charity concert of the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park, New York, after believing that a shootout had occurred.

The shock images show that chaos erupts as terrified crowds desperately attempt to leave after hearing a loud "bang" around 7:30 pm local time yesterday.

Frightened fans recounted how they began to "panic" that a terrorist could be on the run.

Nearly 60,000 people attended the concert, along with Janet Jackson and The Weeknd.

"Everyone thought that there had been a shootout or a terrorist attack. It was terrifying.


Coldplay singer Chris Martin came on stage to reassure fans that the event was under control – and the unexplained noise was actually a falling barrier.

Martin told festival-goers, "I think what happened is a barrier that has fallen.

"Of course, it scared people.

"But no one is trying to hurt anyone.

"Are you all safe, okay?"

Stampede at the Global Citizen Festival


TERROR: The debacle at the Global Citizen Festival in New York
(Pic: AFP / GETTY)

Chris Martin on the scene Global Citizen

FRONTMAN: Chris Martin, singer of Coldplay, tries to reassure the crowds
(Pic: AFP / GETTY)

And the Clocks singer has even asked Deputy Chief of Police New York Katherine O'Reilly to reassure the anxious crowds, the cop ordering them to "relax and calm down."

"It was a barrier collapse. No shots were fired, "she said.

Those who fled the concert were allowed to return.

A spokesman for the New York event confirmed that there had been a "minor incident".

They told E! News: "We had a minor incident. A barrier collapsed and it made noise … The police have no reason to be alarmed.

Crowds fleeing the festival

PANIC: The crowds fled the event after thinking that shots had been fired.
(Pic: AFP / GETTY)

Scared festival-goers

FEAR: Terrified crowds at the Global Music Festival
(Pic: AFP / GETTY)

But the fans said that they really feared for their lives.

Gia posted on Twitter: "You do not know the terror of seeing people call their loved ones, people with panic attacks and people attacked."

Ticket DM wrote: "Everyone thought that there had been a shootout or a terrorist attack.

"It was terrifying. Fortunately to be safe and that it is a false alarm because a barrier of scene fell which led to a rout (sic) (sic).

"Prayers to all participants"

The concert was held in support of the Global Citizen charity, whose mission is to end extreme poverty by 2030.

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