Go ahead before this flu season


Get an early flu shot – the Spokane Regional Health District suggests doing it as early as possible – well ahead of the flu season that hits hard this winter.

The flu has already arrived with authorities reporting that Spokane had its first case of hospital-related illness last week.

The warning comes shortly after the recent news on the 2017-18 flu season which is one of the worst. The US government last week released estimates that 80,000 Americans died of the flu and its complications last winter, the highest death toll in at least four decades.

"At the local, national and national levels, the seasonal flu season has been the worst ever," said SRHD epidemiologist Malia Nogle. "The recommendation is to get the flu shot by the end of October, but the sooner the better.

"We know that the virus is circulating in the community."

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat and lungs. Elderly people, young children and people with certain health problems are at high risk of serious influenza complications.

In Spokane County, flu usually reaches from January to mid-March. Nogle recalls that the vaccine can take up to two weeks to develop immunity in an individual's body.

"We recommend getting the vaccine sooner, and then when the season comes, the person has those antibodies in their system. It's not only about protecting yourself, but also protecting those who can not get vaccinated against the flu, infants and, of course, the elderly. "

In the last influenza season in Spokane County, 616 people were hospitalized and 41 people died from flu-related complications. At the regional level, this is a peak of the 2016-17 influenza season, which has hospitalized 315 people and caused 14 deaths.

One of the problems last season was that the flu vaccine was not very effective in preventing the H3N2 virus, a version of strain A, said Nogle. Otherwise, last year, health authorities found reasonable overall efficacy rates for the influenza vaccine, especially for some strains.

"It was very effective for H1N1 and B strains," she said. "The H3N2 strain was the one with which it was not very compatible and not very effective at preventing. This year, they have adjusted the strains and flu vaccine and hope it will be a better match. "

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all persons 6 months of age and older be vaccinated against influenza. The vaccine usually promotes protection against antibodies within two weeks.

Choice of influenza vaccines this year

Trivalent vaccine. The traditional vaccine designed to protect against three different influenza viruses – two A viruses and one B virus.

Quadrivalent vaccine. These influenza vaccines protect against four influenza strains – two strains of influenza A and two strains of influenza B. The inclusion of a second strain of influenza B confers more extensive protection.

High dose vaccines. Approved for people 65 years and older, these vaccines include four times the usual level of immunity-producing protein to offer increased protection.

Nasal vaccine against the flu. The spray is back for 2018-2019, after an absence of two years, and is available for non-pregnant women from 2 to 49 years old.

What you need to know for children

The CDC considers children, as well as the elderly, to be at risk for serious influenza symptoms and death. The total number of deaths from influenza in the United States during the 2017-2018 season included 180 pediatric deaths, exceeding the record number of 171 child deaths in the 2012-13 season.

The nasal spray flu vaccine may be easier for some children or the elderly who can not be vaccinated regularly, said Nogle, but health groups suggest that the injected vaccine is preferable.

In September, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that the AAP and CDC were supporting the use of the nasal spray vaccine for the 2018-19 season with the goal of adequate immunization coverage in children of all ages.

However, the group stated that the flu vaccine was better than the spray if "they were 2 years old or older and were healthy with no underlying medical condition".

It is also important that children under the age of 9 who are being vaccinated against the flu for the first time need two doses administered about four weeks apart. Parents are welcome to start the process early.

The first dose "primes" the immune system; the second dose provides immune protection. Children who do not receive the second dose may have reduced protection or no protection. Protection usually takes about two weeks after the second dose.

The CDC also states that all children who have already received two doses of vaccine (at any time) only need one dose of vaccine this season. The first dose should be given as soon as the vaccine is available.

What you need to know for seniors

Health officials recommend receiving the high dose vaccine if you are 65 years of age or older. According to the CDC, the elderly are often the most affected by the flu because of the weakening of the immune system.

In recent years, the agency has estimated that between 70 and 65 years of age, the number of seasonal influenza-related deaths was greater than 65 years and 54 to 70% of seasonal influenza-related hospitalizations. .

"For people aged 65 and older, their immune systems are much weaker, which means they could benefit less from the standard flu shot," Nogle said. "That's where we recommend getting the high dose. It contains four times the usual level of protein producing immunity. "

Symptoms of the flu

Feeling sick? You could have the flu if you experience these symptoms:

Fever or feeling of fever / chills


Irritated throat

Runny or stuffy nose

Muscle or body pains


Extreme fatigue

Beyond the vaccine

There are other steps to staying healthy and preserving others:

Wash your hands often and well

Stay home when you're sick

Cover coughing or sneezing

Wipe counters, desks, tables, and other surfaces with a disinfectant.

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