Go with his instinct on the selection of the site of the seat


As many have suspected from the beginning, it seems that Amazon's decision at QG2 will likely defeat what Jeff Bezos' intestine tells him.

The CEO of Amazon has repeated for the second time in a few weeks that, during really heavy decisions, he examined the data and followed his instinct. The last reminder occurred yesterday when he told the reporter and author Walter Isaacson: "Ultimately, the decision will be made intuition after collecting and studying a lot of data," Bezos said. "(L) The best way to do this is to collect as much data as possible, immerse yourself in that data, but then make that decision with your heart," CNBC reports.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Amazon executives made their first visit to Chicago in March and would have made a return trip to Windy City in August as well as to other places on the shortlist , including Newark, New Jersey, and New York.

Meanwhile, QG2 speculation is continuing in Chicago and elsewhere. Sam Zell, billionaire of real estate, appeared before an investor conference last week. "Chicago is by far the first market that Amazon should choose for its second headquarters: a major international airport, major universities, talent, and so on. – and yet, if I were Amazon, it would be the last place I would consider because you are taking, excuse the expression, pre-existing conditions, "said Zell, referring to Chicago and US policy. state and fiscal climate.

While the 17 finalists, including Chicago, are watching, waiting and hoping for a decision, people are analyzing each Bezos statement more closely and more quickly than ever since the start of QG2 preparation there is more than one. year. Expect more people to designate Washington, DC as the likely winner.

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