"God Friended Me" star states series aims to start conversations – not to convert anyone


The new CBS drama is not there to preach!

God has prepared me follows the atheist host and podcast host Miles (Brandon Michael Hall) as he receives a request for friendship from an account claiming to be the Heavenly Father. Yes, at first, it sounds like a weird joke, but when God begins to suggest friends to Miles and these recommendations lead him to save lives, God's claim does not seem so strange. "He becomes an agent of change in his community," Hall says of his character.

While Miles has given up his faith, his father (played by Joe Morton) is a pastor and, of course, greatly believes in the Almighty. "The ultimate goal of the show is to understand each other's point of view without rejecting it," says Morton. Hall agrees that the new drama does not concern the conversion of Miles or viewers. "The message behind this is that Miles is starting to have a conversation," he says. "Because of the dynamics between him and his father, this is the place to start."

God has prepared me It's also a question of communication in these difficult times – something that distribution does not have a problem with filming. "The dynamics of each of us and the chemistry we have is so special and I know it will shine off the screen," said Hall. It is an edifying spectacle and we need it. "

God has prepared me premieres on Sunday, September 30 at 20:30 ET, is then broadcast Sunday at 20h. AND on CBS from October 7th. The pilot episode is available in streaming on cbs.com.

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