Gold Coast mom diagnosed with thyroid cancer and liver after hot flashes


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A Queensland mom revealed the heartbreaking reaction of her young girls after telling them that she had cancer. "Data-reactid =" 15 ">
A mother from Queensland revealed the heartbreaking reaction of her young girls after telling them that she had cancer.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – smt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Melinda Ferszt, of the Gold Coast, was suffering from hot flashes, blurred vision and fainting since she was 20 years old and had developed over the years coping mechanisms to manage the episodes."data-reactid =" 16 "> Melinda Ferszt, of the Gold Coast, was suffering from hot flashes, blurred vision and fainting since she was 20 years old and had developed over the years coping mechanisms to manage the episodes.

But three weeks ago, the 35-year-old woman had a particularly serious episode at work and a colleague told her that she should have a blood test to check her thyroid.

After the test revealed abnormalities in her liver, Ms. Ferszt was forcibly taken for further tests and a biopsy confirmed the devastating news.

"The surgeon seated me and said that the tumor of the size of a golf ball had covered the entire liver and that they were unable to operate," he said. Ms. Ferszt told Yahoo7.

"I asked if I was dying and how long I had and he told me that I was two years old."

Melinda (far right) said her husband Mark and his daughters Sophie, eight, and Madeleine, four, have been overwhelmingly supportive since her diagnosis. Photo: provided

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Melinda Ferszt learned that she had a tumor the size of a golf ball in her liver. Photo: provided

Not wanting to accept that there was nothing to be done, the mother asked her if she had any other options and she was told that she would try chemotherapy until she got pregnant. it does not work anymore.

Since the diagnosis, just three weeks ago, the mother received a stent in her intestines and took her chemotherapy drugs for three days every fortnight.

She said that the hardest part was to have her children Sophie, eight, and Madeleine, four years old.

"It's really a blow for Sophie. She is really moved and asks questions like, "You're not going to leave me, are you? Please, do not die of mummy, "Ms. Ferszt said.

"I told her," Mom has cancer, but Mom is very strong and I will not lose this battle, "she said.

Ms. Ferszt stated that Sophie (second from right) was fighting with her sister and was crying for no reason since the diagnosis. Photo: provided

Ms. Ferszt stated that Sophie was fighting with her sister and was crying for no reason since the devastating diagnosis.

"They need their mom," she said. "I want to watch all their stages – their first friends, the 18th birthday and their wedding."

"Like I'm going down without a fight."

Ferszt hopes that her story will encourage people to undergo regular tests for abnormalities that can be more serious, even if they have never needed to see a doctor before.

"I ran and went to the gym four times a week before the diagnosis. I'm never sick, not even a cold, "she said.

Ferszt said she was stunned by the support she received on the GoFundMe page in just 24 hours. Photo: provided

A co-worker created a GoFundMe page to raise funds for potential treatment and medical expenses overseas.

Ms. Ferszt said she was blown away by the support she received on the page in just 24 hours and by the "beautiful messages" left by complete strangers.

"Let the fight begin," she said.

Since the diagnosis of just three weeks ago, the Melinda (photographed with her husband Mark) has undergone intestinal endoscopy and is undergoing chemotherapy. Photo: provided

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