Goldman CEO says Executive Dina Powell no longer attends Saudi Investment Conference


Goldman Sachs has prevented one of its leaders from attending a conference in Saudi Arabia after the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, said CEO David Solomon.

The firm was expected to send Dina Powell to the conference, but changed in the midst of the turmoil surrounding the alleged killing of Khashoggi, Solomon said in an interview with Wilfred Frost of CNBC on Thursday. Khashoggi disappeared earlier this month after a visit to the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Powell sits on the powerful board of directors of the New York-based bank and has long held the position of senior advisor to the Trump administration.

"This incident is unacceptable and it is clear that they have to answer questions," Solomon said. "Their response to these questions and how more information will become apparent about it will impact how we all interact."

Solomon, which officially began as Goldman's CEO on Oct. 1, is responsible for continuing the transformation of the company, which was primarily based on Wall Street, into a business that reaches a much larger number of retail and corporate customers. d & # 39; businesses. Part of its challenge is to seek more revenue from the company's traditional clients from governments and sovereign wealth funds.

"With regard to Saudi Arabia in recent years, we have listened to their vision of their willingness to participate more broadly in the global economy and to diversify economically, as well as to remake or remodel their society, "said Solomon. "We listened and watched that, and to the extent that they could do that, it would be good for Saudi Arabia and for the world."

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