Goodbye, Stan Lee [X-ual Healing 11-14-18]


This week we lost Stan Lee, not only is the man perhaps the most synonymous with Marvel comic books and comics in general (although he has called them with stirring "comics"), but also the co-creator of the subject of this column, our beloved X-Men.

Lee's legacy is complex, and it has been extensively discussed dozens of reflections this week and dozens of others in previous years. He was, without a doubt, the "voice" of Marvel Comics at the time of the formation of his universe, his personality more than any other person giving life to comics as an entity, allowing the reader to feel the welcome, more than just a customer, part of an exclusive club of like-minded adventure-goers.

Whether Stan himself at first preferred to be a respected author of the great American novel (even if he already is) or a Hollywood actor, he has never given the impression, when he was speaking directly to fans, that comics were: something other than the greatest form of entertainment available today. To hear Stan say it, no matter what Marvel comic you had in your hands at all times, it surely contained the most memorable story you've ever read. It was a contagious love that played as important a role in Marvel's success as anything in the books themselves.

This personality of Stan, his role as ambassador on behalf of the comics for the world, helped to minimize the contributions of his collaborators, as Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko is also undeniable. When I personally think of Stan Lee, the human being, and not Stan Lee, the overflowing personality and larger than life, I often can not help thinking about his interview with Jonathan Ross to Ross and Neil Gaiman's macabre In search of Steve Ditko documentary. When asked who actually created Spider-Man, Lee insists that he is happy to call Steve Ditko, the co-creator, and even sent him a signed letter in which he says he deserves it. But pressing further on what he really believes, he says:

Lee: I'm ready to say it.

Ross: That's not what I'm asking

Lee: No, and that's the best answer I can give you.

Ross: So it's a no.

Lee: I really think that the guy who dreams the thing created it. You dream it and then you give it to anyone to draw it.

Ross: But if it had been drawn differently, it might not have been a success or a success.

Lee: Then I would have created something that did not succeed. Eh eh.

Ross: Ha ha. Valid point.

Lee: But I do not want to – You've made me say that in this documentary, and I'm sorry for saying it, because I'm happy to say that I consider Steve to be called the co-creator. I think if Steve wants to call himself the co-creator, I think he deserves to call himself the co-creator because he did a remarkable job.

If Lee really believed that Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby were the co-creators, even though, as many think, they did most of the work, would things have been different? Could his relationship with Jack and Steve have been less distant? Would the life of these guys have been better because of that? May be. But again, we're still dealing with creators, colorists, writers and writers, although we should all know better today. Jack Kirby has been dead for a long time. We lost Steve Ditko earlier this year. And now, Stan Lee is gone too. And the world is a place much sadder and less magical because of that. They have only their legacies left.

History will determine what these legacies will be, but for now, we can choose to remember them by the work they have created, which always brings joy and wonder to whoever reads it and will do it for centuries, among the greatest works of art and literature of the 20th century.

If you want to honor Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko and their peers, do it by reading their comic books. Do it by enjoying the smile that brings you each of Stan's stupid cameos in Marvel movies. Do it by sharing this column of Stan in Soapbox, where Stan takes a more decisive stance against fanaticism that some in the comics manage to collect half a century later. Do it by celebrating the living legends of the comics that are still with us today and donating to the Hero Initiative so that those who have been drained by this industry can get the help they have need at the end of their life. Do it by crediting entire creative teams, as they deserve. And do it by honoring the only thing that Stan Lee, at least in his public personality, wanted more than anything else his whole life: enjoy "comics".

Goodbye, Stan, and thanks for everything.

It was depressing. welcome to X-ual healing, the weekly summary column X-Men where we tell you what happened in all the X-Men comic books published this week. Look, it's not very smart, but what better do you have the ability to read on the internet comics on a Sunday? Of course, this sweet-and-sour week was marked by the death of X-Men co-creator, Stan Lee, as well as by the long-awaited revival of Uncanny X-Men it's been months since we're going around in circles. Did he live up to the hype? We will find out.

But first, we have a very special guest for this week's intro. We have in our collection a copy of the 1984 Dark Phoenix Saga paperback, a first or a second impression, then simply known Marvel Comics # 2: The Worrying X-Men, and selling for $ 6.95 US, $ 7.95 Canadian.

Ironically, you may not find the names of Chris Claremont, John Byrne, Terry Austin, Glynis Wein, or Tom Orzechowski on the spine. Instead, it simply displays: The Uncanny X-Men – Presented by Stan Lee.

Stan Lee wrote the preface to the book. We visited our website and did not find a digital version. So we typed it word for word and posted it below with some comments. Enjoy it, true believers …

ALL FIRST, let's make one thing clear. I do not write this as Stan Lee, publisher, publisher in Absentia, nor even honorary living legend! Nossir! These wonderful words are written with love by a flawless and flawless fan of Claremont, Byrne and Austin! As a typical reader, I just want to share my personal feelings about one of the greatest comic sagas ever presented – the striking chronicle of Dark Phoenix!

These are comics, Stan. Two words. We will die on this hill.

You will not be surprised to learn that The X-Men is one of the most popular and best selling series of Marvel, and has been for years. And if you faithfully follow the adventures of Xavier's small gregarious groupies, then you surely know the reason.

Never in the history of comics have there been stories richer in human interests, credible characterizations and distant fantasies combined with striking and overwhelming realism. Never have hard-hitting, action-packed adventures been so skillfully intertwined with exciting philosophical concepts and provocative moral issues. And no series has ever more accurately symbolized Marvel's creed: "Anything can happen, the most surprising is the best, but it must be realistic, it's dramatic, it's exciting and above all it's smart!

Of course, any writer can say, "Hey, here's what fans do not expect. Let's do it because it will be a surprise. But that's the easy way. The historical sagas of Claremont, Byrne and others are so great that they want so much that they do not reserve you surprises so as not to unbalance you. Each new bold development of each X-Man thriller is the logical result of what has happened before.

It's always good advice that Marvel would do well to listen. But it may be a bit more difficult given the complicated continuity of the X-Men.

Phoenix's ultimate fate was one of the most traumatic and unexpected events in the history of the illustrated series. Fans around the world continue to debate its many ramifications in heated debates. And if you want to know the true measure of the impressive impact of this series, even in the Bullpen, the arguments continue.

Of course, one of the most important qualities that Chris and John have been able to bring to our wonderful muta magna series (I can not stand to call such "mini-series" of such powerful masterpieces) is the element of flesh and flesh. characterization of the blood. If Phoenix did not seem real, if it did not believe you as credible as the girl next door, if you did not feel that you knew it, you understood it, you liked it – its scary fate would then have meant nothing to you; you would have shrugged and reached for another flicker.

(You will of course notice that I am referring to the fate or fate of Phoenix, without telling you what it is about.) There is a reason for that. universe, there may be an unfortunate one who has not yet read or heard about the 137 number of X-Men.It is for the benefit of this unlikely individual that I do not dare reveal prematurely the wonder that still awaits you!)

Stan Lee hated spoilers! Someone says Marvel and the New York Times.

Nevertheless, the greatness of fire of the X-Men is illustrated by more than the fate of one of its stars. Have you ever thought about the scenarios themselves? I am always amazed by the complexity of the intrigues, by the way each element blends so perfectly into the whole, by the way in which readers discover innumerable facts and incidents seemingly unrelated, then, as and when As the story progresses, the random thread is cleverly joined until there are more ends. The plot and the conceptualization are as clever, as brilliant in terms of innovation as you will find in any award-winning film or novel. Nuts! Why Pussy To The Feet? Do not speak with the forked tongue! They are much better than what you will find in most books or movies today!

And when comics are at their best, they are still so today!

But let's change the subject before Capricious Claremont and Burgeoning Byrne suspect that I'm trying to get paid for a free subscription!

Let's talk about treats that you have in reserve in the pages to come. To begin. you will witness the first time Dazzler, dazzling, has been invited into the X-Men. And this is not a mere appearance. The magnificent Dazz is an integral part of the action, drama and chain of cataclysmic events intended to shake the world of superheroes. You will also see for the first time another of the most unique and empathic characters of Marvel, the young and alluring extravagant Kitty Pryde. It is the neophyte Kitty, who always discovers her own fantastic powers, still confused and disconcerted by the role she seems destined to play in a conflict that she does not completely understand. And more, many morels You will see the return of the Beast, the Angel, Lilandra, the beautiful Majestrix Shi'ar who must fight the man she loves the most!

Sheesh! It is not fair. I could go on and on all day, but why just refer to the strong emotions in the brain when you can read them yourself in the pages that follow? And if it looks like nobility by cutting this intro to allow you to move in the facts, forget it! I'm just thinking of myself! I am itchin 'to reread these sagas myself! So let's go, mutie-lover! Wonder beckons us and the whole universe will be our arena! The best is yet to come!


The best is yet to come. Excelsior to you too, Stan. Now let's read some X-Men comics!

Sworn to sell comics to Marvel executives who feared and hated the fact that Fox holds their movie rights, The Uncanny X-Men suffered great indignities, but with a corporate merger underway, the X-Men Men can finally get back to doing what they want. do the best: be objectively the best franchise of all comics.

Uncanny X-Men # 1
(W) Ed Brisson, Kelly Thompson, Matthew Rosenberg Mahmud A. Asrar, Mark Bagley, Mirko Colak (CA), Leinil Francis Yu
New series in progress with a weekly epic in 10 episodes, the flagship X-Men series that triggered everything is back and better than ever! Starting from a mysterious and tragic disappearance, the X-Men are drawn into what could be … their latest adventure ?! Ed Brisson (EXTERMINATION), Matthew Rosenberg (PHOENIX RESURRECTION) and Kelly Thompson (MR & MRS.) And star performers Mahmud Asrar (X-MEN RED), RB Silva (BLUE X-MEN), Yildiray Cinar (WEAPON X) and Pere Pérez (ROGUE AND GAMBIT) join forces to bring you … X-MEN DISASSEMBLE ?!
Classified T +
In stores: November 14, 2018
PDS: $ 7.99

Our long-awaited Uncanny X-Men The revival finally begins with Jean Gray at the Xavier Institute, whose vision Jamie Madrox trying to find Kitty Pryde and X-Men assassinating a swarm of duplicates Jamie. Bad things to come? Jean asks the students that Kitty brought students on a training mission before the X-Men's planned press conference. Kitty pilots the blackbird with Armor, Pixie, Rockslide, Anole, Oya and Glob Herman in a pharmaceutical laboratory in North Carolina to track down Liefeldian's mutant forearm (he has four arms). Suddenly, something is wrong with Kitty's powers, and Kitty scours the ship, shorting it and disappearing. In chaos, Pixie bangs her head and fails to teleport the team off the ship so that she crashes into the lab that she was trying to rescue.

Meanwhile, in the Kalahari Desert in Africa, Storm and Beast are investigating a strange event. A lake appeared in the desert, fully populated with fish and other life forms, as if it had always been there, and there is a rain storm that Storm is unable to control. Back in North Carlina, X students are confronted with a new Mutant Liberation Front, consisting of Forearms, Dragoness, Strope, Samurai and Wildside. In the ensuing battle, the X-pository dialogue revealed that the lab was working on a cure for the mutants and that the MLF was there to stop them. Has anyone talked to Beast about the cure? This traitor will be on board. Jamie Madrox also comes to question Anole about Kitty Pryde's location, but no one knows what happened to her. An X-Men team, including Nightcrawler, Polaris and X-23, introduces itself and quickly submits the MLF.

At Manhattan City Hall, Sen. Ashton Allen, the latest devilish anti-mutant politician from X-Men, explains how the cure for mutants could prevent children from becoming weapons of mass destruction, blah blah blah. The X-Men are scattered throughout the audience and Jubilee points out to Bishop (and to the readers) that we have seen this kind of thing a million times before. Angel, Psylocke, Northstar, Cannonball, Jean Gray and Iceman are also present, but Kitty Pryde is still missing, which is a problem as she had to address the crowd after Allen Allen's speech. Jean is about to do it for him when Jamie Madrox appears and gets on the podium.

Back at X-Mansion, Beast heals Oya and Anole, who were wounded in action. Glob and Armor wonder if the MLF was not in the right during this mission. Before this can be explored, Anole wakes up and reports that the guy on television was in the battle, showing everyone that Jamie Madrox is on TV and giving a dreadful speech about how humans and Mutants are basically the same. A horrified Jean prepares to stop her, but before she can, a handful of crazy dupes begin to attack from behind the crowd, pretending they are trying to help her. A chaotic battle unfolds and we see some important things. First, since Psylocke is back in her British body, she now has a Claymore psychic sword and a shield instead of a psychic katana as the concentrated totality of her telepathic powers. Angel hears an order from somewhere and flies away, apparently under the control of someone. Finally, a handful of dupes attack the senator, and John saves him, but he disappears, leaving the Jamies to point out that they are "too late." They disappear too.

Elsewhere, Kitty and the senator are both tied to chairs in an indefinable clean room, and Kitty's powers do not work. Also captive there, crucified on a giant X, is Apocalypse, and he is not happy. And that's the end of the main story … but there's also a multi-part backup story called What Tomorrow Brings As Well.

In the first part, which takes place three days before the main story, Bishop builds an apartment building in the Bronx where Dark Beast of Age of Apocalypse is hiding. He sees a group of attackers climbing the wall, then an explosion. He rushes, but Dark Beast and the intruders (minus one who was fried to an unrecognizable state) have disappeared. Two days later, Bishop investigates a building in Queens where he finds Sugar Man, who is paranoid and Bishop is there to kill him. Bishop is hurt by something from behind and while he is disabled, someone kills Sugar Man. Bishop wears a warning device in the space-time on his wrist and he goes crazy.

In the next part, Jean Gray is waiting for Storm at a café when a mysterious old woman sits down to discuss with her about her optimism. Bot are pessimistic, but Jean still thinks there is hope for the world. The woman disappears, then Storm arrives, but they just end up hugging themselves when a man crushes on the ceiling and sends them a discharge of energy. All employees of the café suddenly have powers and are all ready to attack the X-Men.

During the third part, Armor and Anole are on a sewer mission for some reason when they are attacked by Dark Beast, who thinks he is there to kill him. He asks: "Did he have his claws too?", What could tell us that our villain is a man and also that he has claws? It takes Wolverine! Damn, we knew this guy was not trustworthy! Before Dark Beast can confirm our suspicions, he installs armor in the armor with a kind of needle, disrupting his powers and escaping. Teenagers X head to the surface where Jean, Storm and Bishop fight the suddenly transferred customers of the coffee shop, as well as all those who are nearby.

They are controlled by a psychic entity that communicates with John, apologizing for hurting anyone and claiming to be there to "repair the damage". The X-Men continue to fight, doing their best not to hurt anyone. The situation becomes more and more chaotic, until an explosion of energy hits a wall against the woman with whom Jean spoke earlier, apparently killing her. All people come back to normal, with the exception … apparently a copy of the same woman, who looks with fright before sneaking into the shadows, where she turns into something else. one another, but we only see their silhouette from behind.

And that's all. So was it worth it to wait?

We will say yes, that was it. We've seen some of the complaints about this problem, most focused on all the plot elements we've seen before and on the fact that X-Men doing meta-references to these things will not excuse not the repetition. But in the landscape of modern comics, we already have an idea of ​​what will happen in 12 years, and it seems to be banana. The X-Men seem to be divided after the disassembled 10-part scenario, divided into six minis of Age of X showing an X-Men very different from what we see in this issue, while in the main book, Cyclops and Wolverine are "The last X-Men" (presumably on Earth or in this reality). It's clear that big changes are coming for the X-Men, but to get there, we need a starting point, and that's the purpose of this question: who are the X-Men today? so that they can be "disassembled" over the next nine issues. Personally, we are eager to see what happens next.

And of course, this book is the winner of the most coveted weekly grilled meat award, Wolverine's Weiner X-Pick of the Week, awarded to the X-Cellent X-Menent comics that provide the reader with the content satisfaction that only a hot weiner grilled on a sharp adamantium claw can provide.

As if that were not enough, we have two other X-Books that came out this week, let's see what happened in these.

Domino # 8
(W) Gail Simone (A) David Baldeon (CA) Lim, Gang Hyuk
A real pain in the neck!
• Pale skin … long hair … slinky black jumpsuit … no, not Domino … it's Morbius the Vampire alive!
Parental control
In stores: November 14, 2018
SRP: $ 3.99

In a hotel room in Norway, Domino, Outlaw and Diamondback unlock the box containing Morbius the living vampire, who wakes up quickly and attacks them, calling them "temptresses". They manage to watch it. He then explains that he was trying to prevent the evil camps from annihilating the human race. He agrees to tell them everything, but only after Domino allowed him to drink some of his blood because he is weak. That's what she does, and while they're taking a train to Barcelona, ​​Morbius explains that the vampires used his blood to create a virus that will exterminate humanity in fourteen months. They head for a bare beach where hides the vampire king, who is also a kind of sea monster. Outlaw complains of having seen the butthole of a guy, whom she calls "gullet at the stool." Vampire King. Back on the beach, a vampire hunter has arrived and wants to kill Morbius, but Domino helps him escape. The problem ends when Domino receives a call from Shoon'Kwa, the Wakand girl who hired her to find Morbius. Now, she wants them to kidnap Longshot.

Domino continues to be a fantastic series that avoids being drawn into various crossover events and instead focuses on storytelling satisfying stories within one's own continuity, and it's really cool. We could follow Domino without reading any other X-book, which is a rarity nowadays. The stories are fun and filled with action, humor and personal relationships. What more can you ask for in a comic?

Exiles # 10
(W) Ahmed Saladin (a) Javier Rodriguez (CA) David Nakayama
Even in a world of magic carpets and wish lamps, Doctor Doom reigns with an iron fist! And foreigners are not welcome in this country of fairy tales. Can Blink's growing team escape this eternal Arab night before Doom obtains the supreme power?
Classified T +
In stores: November 14, 2018
SRP: $ 3.99

The exiles (Blink, Iron Lad, Valkyrie, Wolvie, Nocturne, Peggy Carter and Becky Barnes) are stuck in an alternate reality where various Marvel characters are trapped in the world of Arabian Nights. In particular, they face the caliph Doom, who believes that Nocturne is his wife, Shahrazad. Doom accuses Nocturne of using witchcraft to bring in the exiles and threatens to kill her the next morning, but the exiles are not shot. They attack, but they are invaded by defense boots and forced to escape on a magic carpet. They then head to an oasis where they meet Black Cat, head of the Forty Thieves, and Doctor Strange, the wicked wizard of Aladdin's story, of the enemies who explain that they have to put their side differences to face Doom.

But it will be even more difficult than before, because Doom has now got his hands on a magic ring that allows him to control Mephisto, the most powerful jinn. The exiles face Doom, but Mephisto can not hurt them as long as Blink has the Talus. He therefore invokes robots to fight them. The situation looks bleak, but Blink notices the ring on Doom's finger, teleports near him and steals it, leaving Mephisto to take revenge on Doom. But before he can, Doom's mother arrives and scolds him for being a bad boy. Deeply overgrown with shame, Doom agrees to accept his punishment in hell, thus freeing his mother's mind, but he first implores Nocturne to take his sovereign seat to protect the people from other villains.

Nocturne accepts, tired anyway of the life of the exiles. The farewells do not last long, as Talus teleports the rest of the exiles away from home, apparently in a reality that resembles all the realities of their homes and in New Jersey. Most exiles have homesickness and want to monitor their own home, but that will have to wait as they face Kamala Khan, post-apocalyptic, who leads a team consisting of a Thor skeleton, an X-23, a Kang, a black panther and his own bizarre Captain America. Khan explains that they are the "mother! @ # $ Ing Exiles, and we're here to kick your ass. "Well, it's a cliffhanger.

Things are very quickly summarized in this story, and the reader must follow the movement of the plot points resolved quickly and not ask too many questions, but it is the nature to have only one or two problems to explore a whole other reality. What is important is the evolution of the Exiles themselves as characters and as a team. This book is very good.

Well, that's it for this week. See you next week with the second chapter of Uncanny X-Men and more!

Read more X-ual healing right here:

(Last update November 18, 2018 1:57 )

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