Google discussed promoting pro-immigration research results


Google executives discuss the election on internal video

Last year, Google employees considered posting pro-immigration information when people searched for terms related to the Trump administration's controversial travel ban.

In e-mails obtained by The Wall Street Journal, employees suggested ways to show different results for "Islam," "Muslim," terms related to "Mexico," "Hispanic," and "Latino", and terms that the search algorithm deemed prejudicial or Islamophobic.

The employees wanted to respond to the Trump administration's January 27, 2017, instruction barring citizens from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen from entering for 90 days. The order also arrested indefinitely refugees from Syria. The order triggered mass demonstrations and legal challenges. The Supreme Court finally upheld a revised version of the order in June 2018.

"These emails were only a brainstorm of ideas, none of which have ever been implemented," said a Google spokeswoman in a statement. "Google has never manipulated its search results or altered any of its products to promote a particular political ideology – not during the current campaign, not in the 2016 elections and not after President Trump's decree on the ### 39; immigration. "

Google has promoted or downplayed some perspectives in its search results in the past. For example, in December 2016, the results of Holocaust denial websites were much lower when users were looking for the event has arrived. He also advocated net neutrality and changed the results of hate speech.

President Donald Trump and other Conservative lawmakers recently said that Big Tech companies, including Google, Facebook and Twitter, have negative biases. Last week, an hour – long video was leaked, according to which Google brewers would be very angry a day after Trump won the 2016 US presidential election.

Google fought back, saying it was not changing its search results for political purposes.

"Our processes and policies would have allowed no manipulation of research results to promote political ideologies," the spokesman said.

CNNMoney (New York) First published on September 21, 2018: 10:58 ET

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