Google Doodle pays tribute to Fred Rogers's public television show – Quartzy


"People can love you exactly as you are," said Mister Rogers at the end of the animated short film being served today as the comforting Google Doodle of the 51st birthday of the day Fred Rogers started shooting Mister Rogers Neighborhood. The public TV show lasted 895 episodes that have enticed generations of children and adults across America with a message of acceptance and kindness that still deserves obsession.

Google's mini-movie takes place on the theme of the show, "Will not You Be My Neighbor?" – also the name of the award-winning documentary on Rogers released earlier this year. (A biopic featuring Tom Hanks as Rogers, deceased in 2003, will be released next year.)

Melissa Crowton, a project director from the Google Doodle team, explained the vision in a video "Behind the Doodle": Mr. Rogers "sends his love and he sends a message and he hopes his audience will see him." will remove and I want the Doodle to be the same.

Here are some of Quartz's favorite things about Mister Rogers and his legacy:

Mr. Rogers took the kids very seriously

As Susan Howson and Adam Pasick wrote for Quartz Obsession: "Rogers has carefully addressed the deepest fears of children, from death and divorce to war and discrimination, while assuring them that they deserved and deserved love.

Rogers' live speech even had his own name, "Freddish," and this language was governed by the best way to communicate with children, including speaking clearly, positively, and eliminating seemingly normative factors. Being attentive to children does not mean minimizing their knowledge. "The world is not always a nice place," Rogers said. "It's something all kids learn on their own, whether we like it or not." The key, Rogers knew, was to help them understand everything.

Mr. Rogers had many words of wisdom

Just like in Google Doodle, Rogers often reminded his audience of the essential principles sometimes drowned in the noise of the world. Here are some of our favorite quotes:

"Maybe we think that there are people in this world with whom I can never communicate, and so I will just give up before trying. And how sad it is to think that we would abandon any other creature who is like us.

"When I was little and saw frightening things in the news, my mother would say, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who help you. To this day, especially in times of "disaster", I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted in realizing that there is still a lot of help. . "

"Love is not a state of perfect care. It's an active name as a fight. To love someone, it is to strive to accept this person exactly as it is, here and now. "

Mr. Rogers has protected the public media

In 1969, Rogers gave six minutes of testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Communications in the United States to promote funding for PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, following the proposal for budget cuts. His heartfelt argument centered on how educational television is valuable in guiding young people through the "inner drama of childhood" into a flood of otherwise harmful content in the media.

Rogers' testimony was so touching that John O. Pastore, the Rhode Island senator overseeing the proceedings, said, "I'm supposed to be a pretty tough guy, and that's the first time I've been reached goose bumps for two years. days … Looks like you just won the $ 20 million.

Mr. Rogers can still make us cry

The nostalgic Google Doodle was enough to make Rogers fans shoutbut also does just about everything about it.

We leave you with this: In a 1981 episode titled "It's You That I Love," the 5-year-old quadriplegic, Jeffrey Erlanger, explained how his "fancy" wheelchair was working for Rogers before to sing "It's you I like it. When Rogers was inducted into the TV Hall of Fame in 1999, Erlanger made a surprise appearance, and many onlookers were in tears.

Erlanger told Rogers: "When you tell people that it is you that I love, we know you really mean it. And tonight, I want to let you know that on behalf of millions of children and adults, it is you that I love.

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