Google Employee Walkout: 20,000 Walk Out in Sexual Harassment Protest


More than 20,000 employees and contractors Thursday, Nov. 1, organizers said. The group is protesting sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency, and a non-inclusive workplace culture.

The walkout included Google offices in 50 cities, where employees walked out at 11:10 AM local time, according to a Medium post from organizers. The numbers of walkout participants makes up about 20% of Google's total employees based on Alphabet's third-quarter earnings report, and the numbers may even go up, walkouts planned.

The #GoogleWalkout movement started after the New York Times reported Google paid Android co-founder Andy Rubin $ 90 million after he learned about a sexual misconduct allegation against him. Rubin left the company with that money and the praise of the parent company, and Google never revealed the allegations against him.

In light of the report, Google is demanding an end to forced arbitration for issues of sexual harassment and discrimination. misconduct reporting process, the appointment of a senior executive officer to the board of directors, and the position of executive director to the board of directors and to the board of directors. The group also has attention to the lack of racial and ethnic diversity and low retention rates among underrepresented groups.

Google executives reportedly told the Google CEOs Sundar Pichai will meet with his leadership team on Monday. Pichai has made the most of the planning of the future, and it is expected that you will be able to make sure you are aware of the future.

"I understand the anger and disappointment that many of you feel," Pichai continued in the email. "I feel it, and I am fully committed to making progress on an issue that has persisted for far too long in our society … and, yes, here at Google, too."

Fortune reached to Google for a comment, but did not receive an immediate reply.

"We have the eyes of many people looking at us," Google employee Tanuja Gupta was quoted saying in the post. "We've always been a vanguard company, so we do not lead the way, nobody else will."

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