Google tightens rules on political advertising before European elections


Google announced on Thursday that it was broadening the European Union's political advertising requirements as part of efforts to combat misinformation and increase the transparency of next year's parliamentary elections. .

As the European Union prepares for the vote, US technology companies are under pressure to do more to counter campaigns of foreign influence, following allegations that online platforms have been used to mingle in elections in the United States and elsewhere.

Google will ask every political ad to reveal who pays for it, while strengthening its process of verifying the identity of the advertisers.

It will also publish a report on the transparency of European election advertising and a library of political ads allowing anyone to search for more information about buyers, their target audience and how the money is spent.

This is an extension of the system introduced by Google this year for US political ads. Facebook has put in place a similar system for the United States, Brazil and Britain earlier this year.

"Like others, we are seriously thinking about elections and how we continue to support democratic processes around the world, including bringing more transparency to online political advertising," said Lie Junius, director of public policy and relations with EU governments, a blog post.

Google was part of the technology companies that signed in September an EU code of conduct to combat misinformation online.

Hundreds of millions of people in 27 countries will choose 705 European legislators in the May vote.

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