Google would have hidden a security bug Google+


In a blog post, the company admitted that Google+ had failed to "widely embrace the consumer or developer" since its launch in 2011 as a potential competitor on Facebook. However, the announcement came shortly after the Wall Street Journal announced that Google had chosen to disclose a bug affecting hundreds of thousands of Google+ users at least in part to avoid a thorough regulatory review.

In the blog, Google said it "discovered and immediately corrected" a bug in March 2018. He said the bug could have affected up to 500,000 Google+ accounts, but the company found "none" evidence "of misuse of data.

"Every year, we send millions of notifications to users about privacy and security issues and issues," a Google spokeswoman said in a statement to CNN Business. "Whenever user data may have been affected, we go beyond our legal obligations and apply several criteria focused on our users to determine whether to give notice.

This is a story in development. More soon …

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