GOP candidate Denver Riggleman is "a fan of Bigfoot Erotica", according to his opponent


A Republican candidate in Virginia was called "an erotic Bigfoot follower" by his Democratic opponent.

Leslie Cockburn claimed that Denver Riggleman, whom she has already struck for campaigning with neo-confederate Corey Stewart, appreciates Bigfoot erotica – sharing an image of the cryptozoological favorite, with a censorship bar covering what is supposed to be Bigfoot's penis, which she found on Riggleman's Instagram account, RawStory reported.

 ] GettyImages-486206608 A GOP candidate has been accused of taking advantage of Bigfoot eroticism. Reuters

"My opponent Denver Riggleman, a teammate of Corey Stewart, was caught campaigning with a white supremacist and now he has been exposed as an erotic bigfoot devotee, it's not what we need on Capitol Hill, "she wrote in a Twitter post on Sunday.

And Cockburn, whose daughter is actress Olivia Wilde, shared another post of what she described as being "From the Erotic Bigfoot Collection of My Opponent Denver Riggleman."

The second post featured a photo of Riggleman's head on Bigfoot's body, which he had captioned: "My buddies thought this photo was appropriate for my birthday next week to celebrate my new book. in about a month or 2 … bigfoot crony habits and why women want it "

His comments immediately sparked an online discussion, with a number of people criticizing the Democrat for " kink shaming "", while others pointed out that his links with a white supremacist were a much more worthy topic of discussion.

"Ma'am, I think it's too low to bend down for a woman of your stature to embarrass someone in her taste for titillating literature." I do not understand how this would affect his ability to govern, "wrote a Twitter user. "The white supremacist thing, however, is a disgraceful disgrace."

Riggleman was accused of campaigning with white supremacist Isaac Smith, Newshub reported, but Republican hope wrote a letter disavowing Smith's views.

"I condemn this rally I condemn the khaki white supremacists who attended the rally last year," he writes about the suggestion that there might be another white supremacist rally to Charlottesville

"The country we live in should be a beacon of freedom, neo-Nazis are cultural parasites, and to all white supremacists who intend to return to Charlottesville on August 12, Say this: you are not welcome, go back to your cave, vote for someone else, I do not want your support, your help or your vote, "he said. he adds.

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