GOP is the new party for workers


In the past, when someone described the "workers' party", it was actually the proletarian communist class: the "workers of the world united by Marxism", and so on. For capitalists and free market specialists this had a negative connotation.

But no longer. The part of the worker should no longer be decried as undesirable, because the part of the worker has a new home, located in the Republican Party.

Previously it was said that the left side of the political spectrum was there to look for the little guy – the ordinary man (and the woman) – the vaunted middle class. But not more. Oh, of course, the left always lends its voice to this ideal, but it no longer represents this constitutive group.

In 2016, just days after Trump's victory in the presidential election, the Left Guardist wrote: "The Democratic Party has already represented the working class. But over the last three decades, Washington-based fundraisers, consolidators, analysts, and investigators have sided. … "

Throughout the years, Democrats have controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress, "they have failed to reverse the decline in wages and economic security of the working class."

It is the right, the Republican Party, which is more representative of the working class; the proletariat, if you will.

In recent decades, the left has been transformed from the blue-collar party – the middle-class trade unionist – to a two-tiered assembly of elitist and "needy" "haves". is very little between the two. They no longer represent the environment. And obviously, they do not care anymore if they alienate the entire middle class.

And to talk about the middle class's alienation, let's take for example health care run by a single payer government, or more commonly known as Medicare-for-All.

Last summer, "some 70 Democratic Democrats in the House approved a plan to ban private health insurance and to force all Americans to adopt a government-run system."

Currently, about 74 million people are enrolled in Medicaid. More than half of those registered do not even work one hour per week. If Medicare-for-All becomes law, everyone, including the 74 million people, will have to register. This means that the middle class – blue-collar workers, white-collar workers, union members, everyone – will be forced to leave their company's health plan and join Medicare-for-All.

A large number of middle-class people regularly accept lower paying jobs in order to benefit from superior health coverage. Democrats would ensure that this option no longer exists.

Americans who work hard and break their backs to be able to afford the best possible insurance will no longer have that option. Everyone's plan will be the same. Union members who pay premiums for the privilege of negotiating an excellent health care plan will end up with the same coverage as fit slackers who can (but do not work) work.

But that's what the new Progressive Democratic Party is – not equal opportunities, but equal results. To achieve this, they must strip all individuality, strip the very essence of Americanism to strive to improve and spread misery evenly.

And this, they say in the United States, is true equality. However, true equality is a myth, which is why socialism is a myth. No one is equal to another in a free society. The liberal elites claim that it is the very problem – freedom. Free men (and women) are, by definition, not only free to succeed, but free to fail, free to make bad decisions, free to put themselves at risk.

This is unacceptable for elites. Instead, they should, with their Ivy League genealogies (or their cattle brands, as described by Victor Davis Hanson), decide for us what is appropriate and prudent, thus protecting the ignorant and less educated from impending disasters. They were properly educated, trained to lead the rest of us. They are the only ones who know what is best for us.

The Democrats have strategically abandoned the middle class for the ultra-rich and permanent lower class. They let you turn in the wind, looking for a new home.

Well, the new middle class home has always been here, welcoming you without judgment as to your ethnicity, gender, religious orientation or position. The Republican Party will not belittle you for working to improve you simply because others choose not to do it.

The Republican Party is the homeland of the American working class.

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