GOP MP in Georgia drops his pants, uses racist insults in the television series Sacha Baron Cohen


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ATLANTA – A deputy from Georgia is the latest public figure taken with his pants on the provocative Sacha Baron Cohen's new TV series, this time literally the legislator exposes his buttocks, speaks with a false Asian accent and shouts racial insult in the name of the fight against terrorism.

In Sunday night broadcast of Cohen's Showtime series "Who Is America?" Cohen poses as an Israeli military expert who persuades Republican Republican Jason Spencer to take part in several wacky exercises. The legislator is saying that they are making a counter-terrorism video.

Spencer repeatedly shouts a racial insult for the blacks after Cohen tells him that the tactic is helpful in getting the attention of the spectators on an ongoing attack.

then his underwear, before moving back to Cohen shouting "USA!" and "America!" Cohen told Spencer that the move would incite fear among homophobic jihadists. The segment also shows Spencer speaking with a fake Asian accent while claiming to use a selfie-stick to surreptitiously insert a camera phone under the burqa of a Muslim woman.

Spencer's behind closed doors horrified other Republicans in Georgia. House Speaker David Ralston said Spencer "is being dishonored and that he should resign immediately," reports The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 1969. GOP Governor Nathan Deal, said: "There is no excuse for this kind of behavior.I'm sad and disgusted."

No matter, there will be no account for Spencer at l & rsquo; This year's urn. A Republican challenger has already defeated lawmakers in Georgia on May 22 primary.

  Rep. Jason Spencer speaks at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta in February.
Rep. Jason Spencer speaks at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta in February Alyssa Pointer / AP file

The Georgian legislator has been accused in the past of making offensive statements and proposals. In 2016, Spencer sought to update a 1951 law that banned Ku Klux Klan members from wearing hoods at public gatherings. The civil rights and human rights groups have called Spencer's bill a veiled attempt to ban Muslim women from wearing a religious head covering that covers their faces in public .

Spencer is not the first public figure to be fooled by Cohen in his Showtime series. Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders and the former Arizona sheriff and US Senate candidate Joe Arpaio were also duped.

In a statement Monday, Spencer apologized for "the ridiculously ugly episode". get off the office. He also said he had received death threats in the past and thought the Showtime segment techniques would prevent "what I thought was an inevitable attack."

The Atlanta Journal reported that Spencer had threatened to prevent the network from broadcasting

The Islamic Council of American-Islamic Relations also called for the resignation of Spencer

"L & # Ignorance and viciousness behind Islamophobia led Mr. Spencer not only to pursue bad politics, but to adopt humiliating and hateful behavior. "Edward Ahmed Mitchell, director of Georgia's chapter of the group, said that Spencer had been called on to resign last year after warning a former black state legislator that she would not be "met." Torches, but something much more definitive "if she has continued to call for the removal of Confederate statues in southern Georgia.

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