GOP Senators Call for Activists to Protest Collins Before Kavanaugh Vote


Senate Republican Major John Cornyn, the number two Republican in the House, described the protesters' actions as "false, mean, vulgar, personal, incivil verbal abuse against an honorable and diligent public servant like Senator Collins."

Collins faces a crowdfunding campaign led by liberal activists who threaten to support his opponent in a future Senate reelection if he votes yes for Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court judge.

Collins told the Wall Street Journal in an editorial released Tuesday that attacks, including phone calls, were unholy protesters.

"In one case – and we will give the floor to the police, but unfortunately, of course, the person did not leave a name or number – but she threatened to rape one of my young people used, "she said of attacks.

Cornyn was not the only senator to defend Collins. The Sens GOPs, Orrin Hatch of Utah, and Ted Cruz of Texas, claim the Democrats for not denouncing liberal activists.

"Every Democrat should condemn these antics in Maine – attempting to bribe Senator Collins so that he votes against Judge Kavanaugh and threatening sexual violence against staff members if she votes for him is absolutely disgusting," he said. Hatch in a tweet.

Cruz then tweeted Hatch and said, "The far-right harassment campaign against Susan Collins – including threats of sexual violence against her staff and potential illegal bribery – is really shameful and shows the desperation of the radicals. Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation, it will not work. "

Liberal groups behind the fundraising effort – Maine People's Alliance, Mainers for Accountable Leadership and activist Ady Barkan – raised more than $ 1.1 million on the site Crowdpac Web. As of Wednesday, 40,908 people had promised $ 1,138,067 on the site.

The groups note on the platform that if Collins votes no for Kavanaugh, none of the collected funds will be collected to be used against his opponent. But if she votes yes for Kavanaugh, the money will go to the one she will face in a re-election bid.

"If you fail to defend Maine citizens and Americans across the country, every dollar donated to this campaign will go to your possible Democratic opponent in 2020. We'll get you out of the office," says the page.

A Collins spokeswoman, Annie Clark, called the campaign "corruption" and said it would not make her vote swing.

"Corruption will not work on Senator Collins," she said. "The extortion will not work on Senator Collins, and anyone who thinks this tactic would work on Senator Collins obviously does not know it.This overcrowded money to pressure her is based on a counterpart – you vote the way we want and we will keep over one million dollars from your opponent – vote against us and we give him money. "

She continued, "This is essentially a bribe, and Senator Collins will decide on the merits of the appointment." Threats or other intimidation will not play any role. in his decision-making. "

This is not the only protest that Collins has had to face. Dana Singiser, vice president of public policy and government affairs of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said last week that Planned Parenthood was dedicated to activism and letters to Collins and his colleague Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

Collins, as well as Murkowski, was open about his support for women's health care, including the right to abortion. These are two potential swing votes on Kavanaugh.

Lauren Fox and Elizabeth Landers of CNN contributed to this report.

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