"Gosnell" is the pro-life movie that Hollywood does not want you to see


A A film titled "Gosnell: The Greatest Serial Killer in the United States" opened Friday. This is the story of the Philadelphia-based abortion specialist who was convicted of three counts of first-degree murder of live-born infants and one count of involuntary manslaughter by a woman who had requested an abortion. He committed these crimes while he was running his abortion clinic, which was a flagrant violation of the number of health inspections and standards imposed by the state, which was really a macabre show. The film is based on a book with a similar title, written by two journalists (who are not fiercely pro-life but just deep-down on secret stories), Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer.

The book and film describe in detail how investigators learned about the horrible practice of Gosnell's abortion and the trial that sentenced him. Actor Dean Cain plays James Wood, the detective who followed this case first of all by explaining that the clinic had been involved in narcotics abuse. Actor Nick Searcy directed the film and conservative writer and political commentator Andrew Klavan wrote the screenplay. The parties involved had to raise funds for crowdfunding, just to start, and they had trouble finding distributors because of the controversial and horrible topic.

Even though Hollywood regularly broadcasts dramas or even real crime movies about serial killers, psychopaths, etc., this movie did not talk about the crime, the power abuse of a man or the little from the state's interest in clinical health standards or women's health – it was only abortion, so they refused to play the ball. Eventually, the film got funding and distribution – and some media now cover the story.

Of course, scenes from Gosnell's clinic and practices are ubiquitous – scenes that are uncomfortable without being overly graphic – which is why this story was barely covered by the mainstream media when investigations were going on and why it had to be told.

In an email, the reporter Ann McElhinney, who wrote the best-selling book on which the film is based, told me that the reason she and her husband had covered it had nothing to do with their political ideologies but rather because "we are journalists". she wrote. "It's a huge story that has never been really covered, and it's been a failure of journalists' duty."

It's true that the advocates of life have finally taken this story to prove that abortions are as bad as they believe, and the doctors involved can to be as irresponsible as they think. However, "Gosnell" is not really a pro-life film, it's a movie that shows how bad the problem is and that was in the hands of a man so poorly qualified to be a doctor of the abortion that he was criminal.

For example, in the 280 pages grand jury report published in 2011, they dismissed the idea that the Gosnell case concerned politics, but rather: "It is a disregard for the law and contempt for the life and health of mothers and infants. We find common ground to denounce what has happened here and to recommend measures to prevent such events from happening again. "

The grand jury concluded that Gosnell's clinic itself was "dirty", "deplorable", "disgusting", "very unhealthy, very outdated, horrible" and "by far the worst" that these experienced investigators had ever encountered. ", the grand jury report stated that Gosnell's practice used" fictitious "doctors, falsified records, and monitored unprofessional proceedings with no respect for life or medical and abortion laws – irrefutable evidence of this. in order to truly condemn it.The jury noted:

"Among the relatively rare cases that could be specifically documented, one was Baby Boy A. Her mother, aged 17, was pregnant for almost 30 weeks – seven and a half months – when labor was triggered. One employee estimated that his birth weight was approaching six pounds, he was breathing and moving when Dr. Gosnell sliced ​​his spine and placed the body in a plastic shoebox, and the doctor joked that this baby was so fat that he could "drive me to the bus stop." B, whose body was found frozen in a bottle of spring water from a gallon to the clinic , died at least 28 weeks before being killed.C baby C moved and breathed for 20 minutes before an assistant arrived and cut the spinal cord, as she had seen if often. "

Gosnell's flagrant disregard for law, medicine and human life has been highlighted for years, and even after his revelation, few mainstream media chose to report it because they could not understand how to touch " "Abortion" beyond ideology. Nevertheless, the film is out and hopefully shed light on a real crime story that should have been avoided. That's McElhinney's goal.

She told me, "We hope many people will see the movie and discuss it later to educate. If little is known or discussed about abortion. People must be informed.

Nicole Russell (@russell_nm) is a contributor to Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. She is a journalist and previously worked in Republican politics in Minnesota.

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