Governor of Rhode Island pushes forward progressive challenger


Raimondo will face Republican Mayor Cranston, Allan Fung, as part of a rematch of the 2014 race, won by Raimondo by 4 points, while only getting 41% of the votes in a three-way race .

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The possibility of a close general election reflects a singularity of the 2018 political map: most signs indicate a dominant year for Democrats nationwide, but Republicans could be re-elected in the four governorates of the country. Northeast: Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire and Vermont. The competitive races in Rhode Island, Maine and Connecticut mean that all New England governors' offices are at stake for the GOP.

In Rhode Island, the Democratic race saw the first woman governor of the state, during a year in which women dominated the party primaries against a white challenger backed by progressive groups, Our Revolution – the organization independent of Senator Bernie Sanders. of Vermont after his presidential candidacy of 2016 – and the Democrats of Justice.

Former 47-year-old venture capitalist and former state treasurer, Raimondo's centrist policy – her pension review has infuriated some public servants and progressives – has made her a target in a state with a particular brand of a traditional and conservative democratic machine. policy.

Raimondo spent the first four years of his mandate promoting tax incentives, small business loans, community colleges and vocational training in one of the hardest hit and slowest affected by the economic downturn.

The Challenger Matt Brown campaigned to defeat Raimondo's pension changes and turned him into a "Republican disguised" corporatist.

Brown, a former secretary of state from Rhode Island, was out of politics since the slanderous Senate of 2006 where he was accused of laundering donations. Raimondo highlighted these allegations in a scathing television commercial in the last two weeks of the race.

Former state legislator Spencer Dickinson also challenged Raimondo from the left.

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