GPS-like system helps doctors track lung cancer


This year, 250,000 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed. Many will be fatal. But doctors are using new technologies to get directly to the source of cancer.

The nodules of lung cancer move with each breath, which complicates the task of doctors. But now, some surgeons use an electromagnetic system to screen for deadly cancer.

The technology that guides Dr. Aldo Parodi in his lung exam is very similar to the one that drivers use daily to navigate the pavement.

"It's similar to GPS," said Parodi.

The Veran SPiN chest navigation system is equipped with electromagnetic sensors placed on the patient's chest. They locate fatal cancer nodules indoors, while Parodi uses the bronchoscope.

"So, I see what I do in real time, at any time," said Parodi.

This is essential because lung cancer nodules move when a patient is breathing, making them almost impossible to locate and remove.

"This will allow Dr. Parodi to probably see 90 percent more of this tumor than he could with an ordinary scanner," said Ernie Gottfried.

When Ernie discovered for the first time that he had a carcinoid tumor, his thoughts turned to an old habit.

"All the freshmen I knew when I started university, we all smoked," he said.

Ernie left 18 years ago. Even with his smoking history, Ernie has good lung capacity and doctors believe that he will benefit from this early intervention technique.

"There is no need to open me, but it will be as if all my chest was wide open and he could see everything," he said.

Just a mouse click to diagnose and chart the way forward for treating lung cancer at an early stage.

Survival rates decline when lung cancer is diagnosed at stages 3 or 4, and it is at this point that most lung cancers are diagnosed.

At present, 260 hospitals in the country use the new technology, which is covered by insurance.

Medical breakthroughs
REPORT: MB # 4502

BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in one or both lungs. As they develop, they can form a tumor and spread to other parts of the body. Lung cancer is the second most important cancer in men and women, and by far the leading cause of cancer death. Every year, more people die from lung cancer than from colon, breast and prostate cancers combined. It is curable, however, and more than 430,000 people still alive have been diagnosed with lung cancer at some point. Smoking is by far the leading cause of lung cancer, resulting in about 80% of lung cancer deaths. It can also be caused by exposure to radon, second-hand smoke, air pollution, asbestos and exhaust gases. Black men are about 20% more likely to develop lung cancer than white men. Most people diagnosed are 65 years old or older.

Pulmonary cancer tumor: A lung carcinoid tumor is a type of cancerous tumor consisting of neuroendocrine cells that are found throughout the body. About 1 to 2% of all lung cancers are carcinoids. They tend to develop more slowly than other types of lung cancer. As a result, most develop at an early or localized stage, although symptoms have been apparent for some time. Symptoms include coughing, wheezing and bloody phlegm, although about a quarter or more of people with lung carcinoid tumors have no symptoms. Most often, carcinoid tumors develop in the digestive tract. About two out of ten carcinoid tumors start in the lungs. They occur more often in women and are more common among whites than any other breed. Carcinoid lung tumors generally do not appear to be related to smoking or known chemicals in the environment or workplace.

LUNG CANCER IN WOMEN: Lung cancer rates have declined in men while they have increased in women in many countries, including the United States. New research has revealed that estrogen is an important factor. The researchers took tumor samples from 813 patients, consisting of 450 women and 363 men, and laboratory analyzes showed that expression of the beta-estrogen receptor (ER-beta), a growth-inhibiting hormone receptor tumor, was lower in women than in men. This indicates that circulating estrogen levels could alter ER-beta levels. Smoking can also affect hormone receptors, because the levels of estrogen receptor alpha that promote tumor growth are higher than in smokers, compared to non-smokers.

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