Graham: Trump has confused an old video of North Korea with the launch of a real missile


Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamGraham is fighting with Kavanaugh to protest, "Why do not we dunk him in the water and see if he floats? Former student charged with "doxing" by GOP Senators at Kavanaugh Grassley hearing: no corroboration of Kavanaugh accusers' allegations in FBI PLUS report (R-S.C.) Says in a new interview that President TrumpDonald John TrumpHeitkamp publishes an announcement explaining Kavanaugh Trump's vote refusal mocks Al Franken about his resignation: he folded "like a wet rag" O "Rourke is not" interested "by the Obama's approval MORE Once, at one of their meetings, archived footage of North Korean missile launches took place in real time and became briefly concerned.

In an interview with the Washington Post on Friday, Graham recalled a meeting he had with Trump shortly after his election. Graham said he and the president were sitting next to a Fox News television and had lunch with the former chief of staff. Reince PriebusReinhold (Reince) Richard PriebusThe memo: Trump's Critics and Allies Join Forces: Do not Shoot on Rosenstein Bannon Says 'CNN RINO' Must Be Supported: Trump Seeks Woodward Sources at White House MORE and the National Security Advisor, H. R. McMaster.

Graham remembered at the meeting that Trump wanted to discuss national security.

Graham told Trump that he considered his two biggest concerns in this regard, Iran and North Korea. At that time, Graham recalled that the television had started showing old images of North Korean missile launches.

Graham said that Trump became worried after viewing the footage because he felt that the launches were happening in real time.

"It's old movie, old movie!" Recalls Graham telling Trump about this.

Graham, who was once one of the most outspoken Republican critics of the president, also spoke of his relationship with Trump during the meeting with his late friend Sen. John McCainJohn Sidney McCain, chairman of the board of the CFU, Dana White, says that he will never "say" anything negative about Trump Trump is back in the game of The Memo branding: Trump's shot at Ford seems to be turning against him MORE'S (R-Ariz.) Hesites to kiss him.

Graham said McCain was not happy when Graham started warming up in front of Trump after the 2016 presidential election.

"Why are you playing golf with him?" Graham remembers asking McCain. "I told him I hope you understand. … The best place to talk to him is in his world. "

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