Grand Canyon National Park to celebrate National Fossil Day Oct. 17 | Grand Canyon News


GREAT CANYON, Ariz. – Grand Canyon National Park invites the public to celebrate National Fossil Day Oct. 17. Events Are Designed to Celebrate National Fossil Day and will be held throughout the day to highlight the importance of fossils and their uses.

The schedule of events is as follows:

Fossil Walk: 9-10 a.m. at Bright Angel Trailhead. The walk will begin at the Bright Angel Trailhead in Grand Canyon Village. Grand Canyon is an ancient fossil bed, known as the Permian Sea bed.

Sections of this walk include some easy off-trail hiking, so are good walking shoes are recommended.

Fun with Fossils: 1-2 pp. At Yavapai Geology Museum. Visitors are welcome to stay for five minutes or the entire time. Park rangers will host several fossil games, more suitable for all ages.

Ask a Scientist: 1-2 pp. At Yavapai Geology Museum. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet with Grand Canyon scientists to ask questions about fossils and their importance in the Grand Canyon area.

Paleontology at Grand Canyon: 7-8 p.m. at Shrine of the Ages. Some of the questions rangers will address include: What is paleontology? What fossils are found at Grand Canyon? Why are they important? What scientific research is currently happening in the park?

All programs are free and no registration is required.

Information provided by NPS.

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