GRAPHIC: Black & Hairy Language: Yes, it's really happening | New


(RNN) – The wounds of a woman led her to have a hairstyle experience – on her tongue.

A report published in the New England Journal of Medicine states that a 55-year-old woman developed tongue disease as a side effect to the treatment of a wound infection that she developed after have suffered serious leg injuries during a car accident.

The woman reported a bad taste in her mouth and developed a black and hairy tongue as a side effect to tetracycline antibiotics one week after the start of treatment.

A black and hairy tongue can also develop due to poor oral hygiene, the use of irritating tobacco products and mouthwashes.

It is a benign condition "characterized by hypertrophy and elongation of filiform papillae on the surface of the tongue, with brown-black discoloration".

No, it's not really hair. According to the Mayo Clinic, the taste buds, or many small projections on the surface of the tongue, easily trap substances, including tobacco, bacteria and yeast.

Fortunately, the black and hairy tongue is not usually a permanent condition.

The woman's tongue resumed normal color four weeks after she stopped taking the antibiotic and started another treatment. The doctors also asked him to practice good oral hygiene, including brushing his tongue.

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