GRAPHIC: Mom shows a photo of baby breaking leg on the blade as warnin – KFDA


  Tens of thousands of children are injured each year on slides. (Source: Pixabay, file) "title =" Tens of thousands of children are injured each year on slides. (Source: Pixabay, file) "border =" 0 "src =" "width =" 180 "/ >
<span> Tens of thousands of children are injured each year on slides. (Source: Pixabay, File) </span></div>
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(RNN) – Heather Clare shares the shocking image so that it does not happen again.

The photo shows the exact moment when his daughter's leg Meadow broke while they were coming down

The incident occurred three years ago, but Clare publishes it every year on social media to show other parents the potential danger.

"I came down on the slip with her on my lap, and her foot got stuck between me and the slip," she said in a Facebook post. "This photo is the moment her leg breaks … She's still smiling … because it was happening at that moment."

The injury is common, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

"Getting down a slip on a parent's lap can lead to an injury. broken leg for small children, "said the report of the group on safety slides. "It is estimated that 352,698 children under the age of 6 were injured in the United States between 2002 and 2015, and many of these injuries were leg fractures."

For Meadow, a broken leg at the age of 18 1 year old meant four weeks in a pink casting. Three years later, she is very well and is happy for 4 years.

"I share this picture every year in the hope that the pain felt by Meadow and the guilt I still feel will save other babies and parents from," says Clare.

"Ne never go down a toboggan with a baby on your lap There is no safe way to descend on a slide with your little one [one]

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