Grassley challenges Ford's testimony and asks for more evidence


WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman sent a letter to Christine Blasey Ford's lawyers on Tuesday asking for evidence in support of her sexual assault complaint that "Judge (Brett) Kavanaugh has been tried before the nation ".

In his letter, Senator Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) stated that Dr. Ford's lawyers have concealed evidence that Senators must weigh allegations before voting on President Trump's appointment of the President of the Supreme Court. .

Grassley asked for notes on Dr. Ford's therapy sessions, recordings of her lie detector test, and exchanges with the media.

The two-page letter also questioned Mr. Ford's truthfulness.

When she testified before the Judiciary Committee last week about this alleged decades-old attack, Ms. Ford was asked if she had ever spoken to anyone next to her lawyers in the way to take a test at the lie detector.

"Never," she said.

When asked if she had discussed with anyone any advice on taking a polygraph, she answered "No".

In looking for the recordings of lies detectors, Mr. Grassley stated that the committee had received an affidavit from a former unidentified boyfriend of Dr. Ford.

The statement was re-read by the Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Ford's lawyers did not respond to a request for comment.

The writer's name has been redacted. In the letter to the committee, the writer stated that he had attended Dr. Ford from 1992 to 1998, that he had found her "truthful" and that it was n & # 39; She had no ill will towards her.

He wrote that she had never told him that she had been sexually assaulted or mentioned Judge Kavanaugh's name.

He said that while they were coming out, Dr. Ford was living with a friend. This person was interviewing for federal work. The writer said he saw Dr. Ford help her friend prepare for a lie detector test.

The writer said that, because of his background in psychology, Dr. Ford was able to help her friend understand "what to expect, and how polygraphs work," which reassured her of the next test .

In his letter, Senator Grassley wrote that Dr. Ford's testimony at the hearing "raises particular concerns about the reliability of the results of his polygraph examination. The Senate needs this information. "

Write to Peter Nicholas at [email protected]

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