Grassley refers Avenatti and Swetnick to Justice for a criminal probe


Michael Avenatti speaks Oct. 10 in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images)

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) on Saturday, July 14th, 2011 Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnick – Supreme Court Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh of misconduct during his confirmation proceedings – to the Department of Justice for a criminal probe, alleging that they made "materially false" statements to Grassley's committee as it investigated the allegations.

Swetnick said in a September affidavit that Kavanaugh attended a house sworn by a murderer in the United States. and Avenatti potentially conspired to give materially false statements to Congress and obstruct a congressional investigation.

"Grassley wrote in a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI director Christopher A. Wray. "While many of those individuals have provided information in good faith,

The committee, in a news release, said the "obvious, subsequent contradictions" from Avenatti, "the suspicious timing of the allegations," warrants at federal investigation.

In a separate statement, Grassley also said knowingly misleading congressional investigators is "unfair to my colleagues, the nominees" and other witnesses to a waste of resources for "destructive reasons."

Avenatti Responded to the news of the criminal referral on Twitter, calling it "ironic" that Grassley is "now interested in investigations." He appeared to be speaking on behalf of himself and Swetnick.

"He did not care when he came to a man on the SCOTUS for life," he tweeted, referring to the Supreme Court. "We welcome the investigation as we come to the bottom of Judge Kavanaugh's lies and conduct. Let the truth be known. "

Later, it was suggested that Kavanaugh's past conduct.

"Maybe if Grassley was actually a lawyer who knew something about the law, he would realize what he has done. He just opened up Pandora's box as it relates to Justice Kavanaugh's conduct. It's Christmas in October! "Avenatti tweeted.

The attorney rose to national fame while representing the adult-movie actress Stormy Daniels, who has sued to nullify a 2016 nondisclosure agreement that precludes her from talking about her alleged affair with President Trump a dozen years ago.

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