Gray's Anatomy Recap Season 15, episodes 1 and 2


The anatomy of Gray

With wonder and wild desire / Broken Together

Season 15

Episodes 1 and 2

Editor's note


Photo: Eric McCandless / ABC

Very expensive Gray's fam: Have you also spent all the summer time partying before the forced departure of two people? The anatomy of Gray queens? Oh, do you have a life in which you are dealing with real, not fictitious people? Tell me what is a moment. I was all ready to ride on this train of recapitulation and lament the fact that the show cut two wonderful female characters and yet there was still a group of ridiculous trainees (literally, in this episode, the l & # 39; one of them was chasing a dog) all the time), but then The anatomy of Gray did something very clever: it distracted me with new brilliant doctors. I can not help myself! For example, I'm sorry but did you see Dr. Lincoln's hair (Chris Carmack)? Hunky Doctor with Great Hair is my exact type and I will not excuse it.

Apparently, I'm not the only one. Our main patient of the episode, Neesha, does not hide her trying to let off steam on the docs, to twist her legs or not. When we meet this beautiful young woman for the first time, Jackson, Maggie and DeLuca go to work, still feeling the alcohol during the wedding festivities the day before, but enjoying a beautiful morning in Seattle. Jackson and Maggie are immersed in a conversation about how to make steps of faith and higher beings and other things that everyone talks about when they have a hangover, so they do not notice the car – but DeLuca the fact. He brings them both out of danger, just in time. Neesha is not very lucky. She rides a bicycle when she is hit by the fleeing car and finds herself completely entangled in her bike. As I wish to remind you, I am by no means a doctor, but I am sure your legs are not supposed to bend like that.

When Neesha comes to the hospital, she is convinced that she is in heaven because she is surrounded by very attractive angels: Jackson, Owen, the new orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Lincoln ( he prefers to be called Link) and his equally attractive orthopedist, Dr. Nico. Kim (Alex Landi). Neesha may be on the verge of death but at least the view is pretty.

Jackson attaches himself to Neesha – it's easy to find him in this hospital bed. Why should Jackson live and not her? The existential crisis of Jackson is a real brake. He has no sense of humor when it comes to Link who tells of his days working in a Venice Beach bike shop, calling him and Owen "bud", or the loud music he plays during the operation to clear the head. However, he does not seem to care about the subscriptions Link has access to as a Seattle Mariners personal surgeon. The boys are weird!

Neesha is not the only patient in the hospital because of the car accident. The driver of the car that hit him fainted behind the wheel before hitting Neesha and running into a tree. Cece is a recipient of two heart transplants and suffers from kidney failure because of the anti-rejection drugs that she takes for her heart. Some people just can not win. She is under the care of Meredith Gray. And our hero has a day even before she meets Cece.

As many may have guessed, this promotion showing Meredith and DeLuca at the time was just a VERY hot dream that Meredith did. Jackson and Tom Koracick also make appearances. Meredith is horny, you guys! The dream makes the three men a little embarrassed, especially DeLuca who just wants to apologize for kissing her at the wedding of Alex and Jo. He will never do it again, he says. It's a shame because I love them. Meredith chooses this moment, every moment, to finally decide that it is inappropriate for a participant and a resident to have a relationship. Gray Sloan was basically based on breaking this rule, but FINE.

Cece will not let Meredith soar so easily. It turns out that Cece is a professional matchmaker. And a good one – she has a success rate of 85%. Meredith repeatedly repeats that she is not interested in her services, but Cece will not give up so easily.

Both patients struggle to stay alive (and have bonded while suffering), but Neesha is significantly worse off. It develops necrotizing fasciitis, a bacterial infection that spreads rapidly in the flesh and is extremely difficult to spell. The first is the most important part here, but I wanted you all to know.

They must act quickly or it can be fatal. Jackson offers a risky plan, but he will have to talk to Bailey first. Like Meredith, Bailey also spent a day. She desperately wants to continue her sabbatical, but still needs to find an acting leader. It was supposed to be Teddy, but after Teddy discovered that Owen and Amelia were playing at home, she wanted to get as far as possible from Seattle (a blood clot in her leg is holding her for the moment, only Maggie knowing the truth) the identity of his baby dad). When other doctors become aware of Bailey's need, everyone starts (badly) to talk to her. So when Jackson asks a lot, she's not in the best mood.

Bailey has just finalized a state-of-the-art hyperbaric chamber designed to accelerate patient recovery time. Link is called a "spa of the moon". Really, it looks like a submarine in the basement of the hospital. It's a nice game and I can not wait for people to get trapped there and slam on the tiny portholes for help. It's inevitable.

Jackson knows that there are higher success rates with necrotizing fasciitis when the patient is being treated in a space containing high throughput oxygen. It's science! He wants to perform Neesha surgery in the hyperbaric chamber. He is absolutely not equipped for this – no electricity allowed – he would put his entire team in danger of decompression, and once the door is closed, they will all be blocked until everything is decompressurized. Jackson does not care. He must save this girl and it's his best shot.

At the Moon Spa they go! Things go wrong quickly. The infection has spread and Neesha is crushing it. There is no defibrillator, so they have to manually make compressions. They work on it for 35 minutes until Jackson finally calls himself at the time of his death. Immediately, he has to get out of there, away from the horror show. Maggie and Bailey watch him helplessly outside the room (tells you!). Jackson can not leave until the door is safe, so he remains seated in the face of what happened.

If you think it's sad, wait until Meredith and Maggie tell Cece that Neesha is dead. Cece breaks down. She blames herself and she does not want to be put back on the transplant list (her heart starts to fail because of her kidney failure, again – there are no breaks to take for Cece). She does not deserve to live if Neesha is dead. It's heartbreaking. Meredith will have nothing. She still has another sexy dream (this time, Link and her abs join the party), and watched the others follow their joy, and she is ready to admit that maybe she needs matchmaking services from Cece. Cece must continue to fight because Meredith is ready for her help. Their first session begins at Cece's bedside.

Emo Jackson's day does not end so horribly either. Earlier, Jackson confessed to Maggie that after what had happened with April, he was starting to believe in something bigger, a higher power – and that's embarrassing for him. He talks about trusting his guts and making an act of faith and all of this leads to a strange pseudo-proposal moment. Of course, that frightens Maggie, who immediately goes out to buy milk (which she actually does – her commitment to trickery is noble). After Neesha is dead and Jackson realizes that the "half-proposal" is not at all what he meant, Maggie and he argue. Jackson had a difficult year. With all that has happened with his grandfather, losing his family fortune, seeing the month of April pass, he can admit that he avoids certain problems. But, he adds, something else happened this year: he fell in love. Jackson and Maggie say "I love you" for the first time. So, anyway, everything is not going anywhere.

Before concluding, there are two seeds of stories planted in these first episodes that we have really need to discuss. The first is what happens with Richard Webber. At the end of last season, we watched as he lost his longtime sponsor. I am so glad that the series did not drop this thread: such a loss would be devastating for someone like Richard. He does not treat him well. Catherine knows it. Bailey calls him. Yet he avoids going to an AA meeting. Keep an eye on Richard, I'm worried.

The second is a flourishing romance possible. Hottie Doc Nico Kim arrives at Gray Sloan and almost immediately, he takes a liking to trainee Schmitt. You guys, Nico winks at home during the surgery. Schmitt is definitely taken aback by the future of Nico, but what is wonderful is that he never plays for laughs. We only saw Schmitt meet Jo, so we do not know if he has ever had a relationship with a man before, but his face when Nico and he accidentally brushed the hands of Joe's Bar says feelings. Does this happen? Please say yes.

• Have you ever thought that you would live to see this day, people? ALEX KAREV IS CHIEF OF SURGERY. Ok, interim leader, but still. All of this is because Jo refuses to work in Boston to stay in Seattle and is working on his great idea for the future of medicine (Cancer Killer Cells) through a scholarship that Bailey funds personally. However, the problem is that Evil Spawn is now the leader. Somewhere in Switzerland, Cristina Yang is screaming.

• Hoping that Link is not just another Lothario hospital, how not to appreciate Meredith's first encounter with the docile flirty: a quick and difficult "no" even before he had time to introduce himself . A wild queen, our Meredith.

• Yes, the full name of Link is Dr. Atticus Lincoln. Here's some information from Sea here: "Your parents named you after two of the greatest figures of our time, both literary and historical, and your name is Link?

• I regret to inform you that Link does not say "Welcome to Gray Sloan, bitch" or "Welcome to the hyperbaric, slutty room". But you can bet I'm watching him.

• Koracick: You think that they can feel our sexual tension?
Meredith: Would not I feel it?

• Is Tom Koracick still forever? I like it a little?

• Uh, guys, The anatomy of Gray A guy died on the table after gluing his wife's hair spray. This is the worst way out, do not you think? His poor wife! It's not funny but also … I love this show.

• Well, Amelia and Owen are back together. In his big speech "I want the strings," I burst out laughing when, among the messy things he wanted, he listed "the fighting" as part of his "Take Two" project. Only Owen Hunt would like that. Everyone hated fighting, man. It's a horrible idea. Still, I'm looking forward to his reaction once he learns that Teddy is pregnant with his child. Someone tells him he likes you.

• Scale of sob: 4/10
Cece sings to Neesha or breaks up after learning that the young woman is dead – you choose, but anyway, I'm wiping away tears.

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