Grease like abundant molecules in space


According to an Austro-Turkish research team, fat-like particles are abundant in space. Astronomers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney and Ege University in Turkey used laboratories to construct materials with the same characteristics as interstellar dust. The researchers then used the results to find the amount of "space fat" available in the Milky Way. The results of this research have been highlighted in the monthly records of the Royal Astronomical Society

. Carbon is considered one of the essential elements of life, and it is found in different types of organic matter. However, there is a lot of doubt about its availability in large quantities. He learns to discover that only half of the expected carbon is traced between the stars in its pure form. The rest of the elements are chemically formed in two primary forms such as fat (aliphatic) and naphthalene (aromatic).

In such a situation, the research team of the University of New South Wales, as well as the EGE University, took recourse to a laboratory to form an element that would be composed of the same material and contains the same properties as that of interstellar dust. Researchers have made a useful mimicry of the process by which organic molecules are synthesized in the flow rates of carbon stars. This is done by resorting to the expansion of a plasma containing carbon in a vacuum at a shallow temperature.

The material was collected and then analyzed by applying some techniques. At first, they asked the use of magnetic resonance as well as spectroscopy by which they could how strongly the element absorbed light with a significant amount of infrared wavelength which is a marker for aliphatic carbon. According to Tim Schmidt, who is the professor of the Australian Council of Excellence's Center of Excellence, they combine the results of lab tests as well as astronomical observations to reach the conclusions eventually.

The researchers revealed that there are nearly 100 fatty carbon atoms of every one million hydrogen atoms that occupy a quarter and a half of the available carbon. In fact, in the Milky Way, this amount rises to 10 billion trillion fat. The research team now intends to experiment with carbon moth-like, which will be much more difficult.

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