Great Barrier Reef Shows Significant Signs of Recovery


WHY RATES: After showing substantial signs of coral recovery at the Great Barrier Reef, more than 300 scientists and engineers and Representatives from the marine tourism industry came together to discuss ways to support tropical coral reefs in the warming climate around the world. – Jessica Zickefoose, Assistant Editor of TravelPulse

Queensland, Australia, is pleased to inform you of a positive update on the state of recovery of the iconic Great Barrier Reef. The Reef and Tropical Forest Research Center (RRRC), an Australian non-profit organization, has reported important signs of recovery for corals affected by massive coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.

A milder summer in 2017-2018, as well as cooperation between science, industry and government, support reef recovery in many important places.

The majestic Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven natural wonders of the world and the largest living organism in the world, extending over 1,430 kilometers and offering abundant marine life with more than 3,000 reef systems individual and coral cays as well as hundreds of tropical islands. the most beautiful golden beaches bathed in sunshine.

PLUS Destination & Tourism

As an iconic natural wonder and unforgettable life experience, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world, offering a multitude of experiences for travelers such as snorkeling, diving and snorkeling. marine, aerial tours and

Tourism Provides Essential Support to the Great Barrier Reef, as Visiting Rights Contribute to the Management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, the Federal Agency for Protection and Scientific Research to Ensure the Sustainability of the Reef . responsible tourism practice.

Reefs around the world have experienced bleaching in 2016 and 2017, and while the northern portion of the Great Barrier Reef has undergone severe bleaching, this condition has not affected the entire reef and the reefs. Encouraging signs of recovery are currently being observed.

Recent photos taken in June and July 2018 show healthy and vibrant corals in many places that have suffered during consecutive coral bleaching episodes in 2016 and 2017, including Fitzroy Island, Moore Reef and Saxon Reef near Cairns. .

Coral bleaching occurs when corals are stressed too much – ie. high water temperatures or poor water quality – and eject their symbiotic zooxanthellae, losing their distinctive colors. If stress conditions persist, corals will die, but if conditions return to acceptable levels, some corals can re-absorb the zooxanthellae and recover.

A relatively cooler summer in 2017-2018 in the north of the Great Barrier Reef has helped many corals affected by massive bleaching to return to the path of health.

The Reef Restoration Foundation, a not-for-profit social enterprise that leverages the Great Barrier Reef with innovative coral reef restoration techniques, established the first Coral Reef Nursery in December 2017, and plans to build install a series of other nurseries on the Great Barrier Reef.

They are pleased to announce that the first coral harvest has exceeded expectations, increasing 2.5 times in six months with nine out of 10 corals in full swing and 222 new coral fragments from the first 24 pieces of coral originally harvested. They will soon attach a hundred of these thriving corals to the damaged coral reefs of Fitzroy Island.

Tour operators have also reported improvements in the state of corals at their top dive sites. Doug Baird, Quicksilver's environmental compliance officer, said the 2016 and 2017 mass-laundering events at the company's regular sites had seen a widespread recovery.

"All of our sites that have survived the mass laundering events have shown strong signs of recovery, they look great now. We were lucky that the effects of money laundering are very uneven, "said Doug. "I was in the water a few weeks ago on our pontoon site in Agincourt Reef and it is beautiful, there are borage corals that grow and repel."

The Tropical Reef and Rainforest Research Center (RRRC), in cooperation with the Association of Marine Park Operators (AMPTO), conducted in 2016 detailed studies of the bleaching levels of the main dive sites around from Cairns. In 2016, a number of people were very strongly affected during the 2017 event. Fortunately, these are the same reefs that show strong signs of recovery.

"It's important to realize that bleaching occurs in several stages, from the equivalent of a mild sunburn to coral mortality. So, when the media reports a "bleaching" of a reef, their whitening is, how deep the bleaching has taken place and whether it will cause permanent damage to the coral on this site, "said the director. General of RRRC, Sheriden Morris.

"The Great Barrier Reef is a very large and diverse coral system, with a high level of biodiversity and a significant ability to recover from health effects, such as bleaching episodes. The increasing temperatures in the world due to climate change means that pressure on the Great Barrier Reef will continue to continue. In addition to government and community actions to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of water entering the GBR, Great Barrier Managers and Operators will have to do their utmost to protect and support their communities. individual sites.

Many recent reports and images from marine tourism operators and tourists themselves show that some sites are recovering quite well.

"Saxon Reef, for example, suffered some form of bleaching 47.1% of its live coral cover during the 2016 event. Fortunately, much of the bleached coral has recovered through at better conditions in 2018. However, this recovery will still depend on environmental conditions, "said Sheriden Morris.

Morris also added, "It is essential that every effort be made to promote the health and resilience of the Great Barrier Reef."

"We all know the reef could experience other bleaching events as the climate continues to warm, but we must do everything in our power to help protect our Great Barrier Reef."

RRRC co-organized a major symposium on the Great Barrier Reef in July in Cairns, the traditional gateway to the reef. More than 300 scientists, engineers and representatives of the marine tourism industry from 14 countries have been studying ways to support tropical coral reefs in the face of global warming.

The Great Barrier Reef Symposium was the first of its kind to focus on the restoration and recovery of coral reef systems. The symposium highlighted local actions that can be implemented to recover and be more resilient to impacts such as money laundering.

For more information on the Great Barrier Reef, coral bleaching and specific reef preservation efforts, please view this video from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: / 2CvvHxU

SOURCE: Queensland, Australia press release

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