Great white spotted off Spain for decades: marine group


A large white shark was spotted in the waters off the Balearic Islands this week, which is the first sighting of this kind in at least 30 years, said today a group of conservation of the sea The Alnitak group captured the shark, which he said was five meters (16 feet) long, Thursday in the seas of the island of Cabrera and followed him for more years. 39, an hour, he said on his Facebook page, posting a photo.

"In recent years, there have been unconfirmed observations and various rumors, but this is the first scientific check of the presence of a Carcharodon in Spanish waters for at least 30 years." 19659002 ] Alnitak says the shark was spotted because the scientists were on a mission to get information on sea turtles, sperm whales, dolphins, manta rays and bluefin tuna.

The team is also looking for presence tiny plastic debris.

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