Greece Spiderweb: Terrifying Infestation of SPIDER While GIANT Canvas Appears All Night | Bizarre News


A tranquil waterfront has been transformed by hungry spiders.

A giant 1,000 foot canvas mysteriously appeared overnight in Aitoliko, a city in western Greece.

Spiders belong to the genus Tetragnatha, known as extensible spiders because of their elongated body.

They are known to build canvasses near aquatic habitats, some species may even walk on water.

A video shows the thick covers of the canvas covering trees, bushes and shrubs near the shore, with a quick shot of two spiders that seem to mate.

High temperatures in the area created ideal conditions for spiders, which quickly turned shrubs into a den to have their own "party".

An increase in the mosquito population would also have contributed to a large number of spiders in the area.

The rapid creation of these websites is considered unusual, but not completely unknown.

Despite being huge, local reports suggest that the Web appeared overnight.

The spider species belongs to the classification of the long-jaw weaver.

Fortunately for residents, however, the species are harmless.

Spiders live in many parts of the world, including the United States and Europe.

Maria Chatzaki, molecular biologist, said: "These spiders are not dangerous to humans and will not cause any damage to the flora of the region."

She also stressed that this is not the first time that come, and is a relatively common phenomenon that occurs every two years.

"When an animal finds abundant food, high temperatures and sufficient humidity, it has the ideal conditions to be able to make large populations.

"The spiders will have their party and will die soon."

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