Green Paper: After the N-Word fiasco, Viggo Mortensen still an Oscar nominee


He made a terrible mistake after the screening, but it's often the respect that makes the difference in the Oscar race.

To get an Oscar for best actor, all cylinders must be triggered smoothly. Viggo Mortensen, star of the "Green Book", was a candidate for victory: he ranked second in a recent poll of the Los Angeles Times critics, he is a popular and beloved actor of the actor who has landed the surprise nominations SAG and Oscar for his survivalist single parent in 2017. "Fantastic", a decade after his Oscar nomination 2007 as a Russian thug tattooed in "Eastern Promises".

"Fantastic Captain"

Wilson Webb / Bleecker Street

Peter Farrelly's "Green Book" was unanimously endorsed by the ovations he received, the Toronto award for winning the public award (often a sign of the future), the packed screenings in the far south, and recent screenings. guilds in Los Angeles. But during a question and answer session on November 7, Independent Independent Film, while highlighting racism in the 1960s, Mortensen rejected the word "order".

How did it play in the hall is up for interpretation. But it is safe to say that everyone around Mortensen and the actor himself acknowledged that he had made a mistake, for which he had apologized quickly. From my point of view: will that hurt Mortensen's chances at the Oscars? I do not think so.

The true story of lonely jazz musician Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali, winner of a "Moonlight" Oscar) and Tony Lip (Mortensen), the streetwise bouncer who protected it during a tour concerts in the depths of the South, played well for critics and the public. In winning the TIFF People's Choice Award, he defeated "Si Beale Street Could Speak" (Barry Jenkins' follow-up in "Moonlight"), as well as Alfonso Cuaron's "Roma".

The film, supported by the participants, is playing well and will be a box office success when Universal releases it on November 16th. With a beautiful narration, it's a sweet lob for the voters of the Liberal Academy. Screenwriter-director Peter Farrelly, who went solo without his comedian partner, pursued a scenario based on a true story, won the biggest actors and a home run. Mortensen and Ali wear these two men with grace and heart, as the audience comes to care for the two characters and their growing friendship. Mortensen not only gained 40 kilos to strengthen for the role, but also deploys a broad New Yawk accent that would sink most players. Not him.

Mortensen will survive especially because the island entertainment community respects the 60-year-old family man, actor and poet, who has proven himself for decades in the industry. Hollywood will forgive him for his offenses: despite Casey Affleck's resolute lawsuit in 2010, two women accusing him of sexual harassment on filming his fake documentary "I'm Still Here," he won the Oscar Best Actor for "Manchester By the Sea". (A year later, after # MeToo, he would not have won.)

It's about whether your peers appreciate you. In the case of Russell Crowe, three-time Oscar nominee and "Gladiator" at the Oscars, in 2005, when he hit an employee of a New York hotel with a phone, media coverage had cost him a candidacy for the best actor for 2006, even after. admit wrongdoing. This is because he was already considered a bad angry boy who often behaved badly, on and off the set. He has never landed another nomination.

The more it changes, the more it is the same thing. And for Mortensen, his good deeds could save him.

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