Guide to the Spider-Man PS4 villains: Vulture, Shocker, Electro and more


A superhero story is as interesting as its bad guys. Fortunately, in the five decades of the Spider-Man comic book, there have been many interesting villains, with motives ranging from revenge to power to the mere attempt to make a living.

There is a whole range of Spider-Man villains, including wacky scientists whose experiences have allowed them to commit crimes; victims of these experiences with a thirst for evil; members of various organized crime groups; cat burglars have become vengeful exiles; and a promising vlogger who just wants his crimes to get those #clicks.

Insomniac Games & # 39; Spider Man for PlayStation 4 presents a crowd of villains in the history of Spidey. You do not know who is who? Let's dive in.

[[[[Note: Spoilers for comics and for the Spider Man game below! The bad guys are usually ordered as they appear in the game.]


Spider-Man PS4 - Kingpin

Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Wilson Fisk

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 50 (1967)

Kingpin, one of Marvel's best-known bosses, controls most organized crime in New York. As a child, he was bullied, which drew him to power gangs. He quickly became the right arm of Don Rigoletto, before murdering Rigoletto and taking control.

For the outside world, Fisk appears as a credible and even charitable businessman. His first appearance involved a coalition attempt by New York crowds to be thwarted by Spider-Man. During various comic book races, Kingpin has several bows of redemption, usually spurred by his civilian wife Vanessa.

Fisk started as a Spider-Man antagonist, but in more recent versions he became Daredevil's main enemy. It is heavily featured in Netflix Daredevil, where he is played by Vincent D'Onofrio.

The shocker

Spider-Man PS4 - Close-up on Shocker

The shocker
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Herman Schultz

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 46 (1967)

A brilliant inventor who turned to a life of crime, the Shocker got his name from explosive gauntlets called "vibro-breakers", which emit high-frequency explosions. He invented them in prison and used them to go out. In his first confrontation with Spider-Man, the Shocker actually beat the hero online and was able to escape.

The Shocker usually works as a team. Unlike most Spider-Man villains who have a personal vendetta or a larger system, the Shocker just wants to steal things and make a living by dishonest means. He is often described as more rational than some of the rather grandiose Spiderman villains, and realizes he is often mastered when it comes to the super-powerful Marvel world.

Herman Schultz appeared in Spider-Man: Homecomingwhere he was performed by Bokeem Woodbine.

Black cat

Real name: Felicia Hardy

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 194 (1979)

Black Cat is sometimes enemy interest, sometimes allied and sometimes in love with Spider-Man. Burglar's daughter Walter Hardy, Felicia also has the power to affect the "bad luck" and manipulate the probability fields. Hardy vows to take revenge on her rapist and trains in martial arts and acrobatics, but before she can find him, he dies in an impaired traffic accident. Not wanting to lose his training, Hardy decides to follow in his father's footsteps.

She tries to get her father out of jail and meets Spider-Man the same night. Finally, she grows up to trust him and even falls in love with him, continuing his exploits as a Black Cat in order to gain his attraction. The two men meet for a time, but eventually Peter Parker marries Mary Jane Watson, to the fury of Hardy.

Black Cat is jumping between good and bad, but she finally catches up with Peter Parker and MJ and joins Heroes for Hire recently.

While she looks like the other comic-themed thief of cats, sometimes the enemy, sometimes the ally, the sometimes amorous interest, designer Marv Wolfman says that the Black Cat was about The original character was inspired by a short Tex Avery cartoon with a black cat.

Felicia Hardy makes an appearance in a movie The Amazing Spider-Man 2, where it is performed by Felicity Jones. A Black Cat solo movie is planned for Sony's Marvel character universe.

Sand of money

Spider-Man PS4 - Silver Sable Targeting Cannons on a Spidey Captured

Silver Sand Spider-Man battles
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Silver Sablinova

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 256 (1985)

Silver Sablinova is a mercenary who tracks down war criminals and bandits. Although his agenda is generally positive, his mercenary manners tend to run up against the beneficent motives of the masked superheroes. She often partners with superheroes, including Spider-Man, Punisher, Captain America and Deadpool. In a bow, she was drowned by Rhino, but has since been resurrected.

In addition to leading the Wild Pack mercenary group, she is also the founder of Silver Sable International, a powerful mercenary organization of reformed heroes and villains to hire. Silver Sable International regularly assists heroes in the takeover.

While she is typically a neutral character who occasionally comes together for good, the Ultimate Spider-Man comics portray her as an antagonist who was sent by Donald Roxxon to capture Spider-Man for interrogation.

A forthcoming Silver Sable film is in preparation for the Sony Marvel universe.


Electro and his shocking powers.
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Max Dillon

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 9 (1964)

An electrical engineer and lineman involved in an accident, Max Dillon is essentially a human electric capacitor. Dillon was almost recruited by Magneto for the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but he gave up the offer, while turning himself to a life of crime.

Electro was one of the founding members of Sinister Six, the first group of Spider-Man villains created by Dr. Octopus, which also included Sandman, Vulture, Mysterio and Kraven the Hunter. He is regularly teaming with iterations of the Sinister Six in various numbers. He was also hired by some of the New York crime lords, including Kingpin's son, Richard Fisk. In addition to Spider-Man, Electro has faced other heroes, including Daredevil, Punisher and Thor.

Later, the title of Electro passes to Francine Frye, a fanatic of influence that absorbs the powers of Dillon and leaves him for dead.

Electro was a main antagonist (with Harry Osborn's Green Goblin) in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and was portrayed by Jamie Foxx.

Mr Negatif

Spider-Man PS4 - Close-up on Mister Negative

The mysterious Mr. Negative
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

"Real name: Martin Li

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 546 (2008)

The real name of Mr. Negative is unknown. He was a member of the Snakeheads, a Chinese gang involved in human trafficking. When one of the ships carrying illegal Chinese immigrants crashed, he took the identity of one of the deceased passengers, Martin Li. He was kidnapped by another criminal gang at New York and subjected to chemical experiments – with Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen (Cloak and Dagger).

The drug created two very different personalities: the benevolent Martin Li and the mean Mister Negative. Martin Li runs a soup kitchen in Chinatown (where Aunt May's volunteer), while Mister Negative seeks to seize the criminal world. Mister Negative is able to control aspects of Darkforce and Lightforce, which include object empowerment, healing and corruption, as well as limited form change. He also has an army of personal henchmen known as inner demons.

Mister Negative routinely experiments with biological weapons, stealing Spider-Man's blood at one point for use in a formula. He cross paths with Eddie Brock (aka Venom), and his touch causes the genesis of Anti-Venom. Brock becomes the first person to know the dual identity of Mister Negative.

His main motivation is to take control of the underworld and, as such, he regularly enters into conflict with various criminal organizations throughout the city. Mister Negative generally faces Anti-Venom and Cloak and Dagger.

tomb stone

Spider-Man PS4 - Close-up of the gravestone

tomb stone
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Lonnie Thompson Lincoln

First impression: Web from Spider-Man # 36 (1988)

Lonnie Lincoln grew up as the only African-American albino in Harlem. It was originally created to play the role of Robbie Robertson, editor at the Daily Bugle and one of the first African-American characters to have played an important role in Spider-Man's comics.

Lincoln and Robertson went to high school together, and when Lincoln began to make himself known in high school for harassing other students and demanding protection money, Robertson intended to publish a article in the school newspaper, but Lincoln intimidated him. Over the years, Tombstone has gained a reputation in the world of crime as a police force, eventually becoming Kingpin's personal hitman.

Although he and Robertson have been involved for years in a fierce and deadly quarrel (Tombstone even requested a change of prison to be in the same penitentiary as Robertson), while both were seriously injured in a fall, Tombstone Amish Farm to recover – so that they can engage in a fair fight.

Tombstone regularly partners with and is often engaged by various villains and organizations of Spider-Man. It also means that he faces other villains. Later, he gains strength and increased physical abilities through experimental gas at the Osborn factory.


Real name: Undisclosed

First impression: Amazing Spider-Man # 559 (2008)

A relatively new villain in Marvel comics, Screwball's entire schtick involves streaming and the internet. She understood that having Spider-Man in her online videos increased the number of views, and she therefore undertakes to get pictures of him as often as possible.

Recently, she teamed up with Arcade in Las Vegas: she makes her bids and he trains her and gives her exclusive broadcasting rights.


Spider-Man PS4 - Taskmaster

Taskmaster, mastering these tasks.
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Anthony "Tony" Masters

First impression: The Avengers # 195 (1980)

Blessed with the ability to mimic the physical movements of others, Taskmaster is a dangerous enemy in combat. Although he often serves as a mercenary, Taskmaster also trains villains (and later heroes) in combat. Among those he has trained are Crossbones, Agent X and Spider-Woman.

While he is usually a mercenary and a villain, Taskmaster sometimes appears as an antihero and a sleeping agent. It is later revealed that he was a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and that his powers were the result of an experimental version of the Super-Soldier serum. Although he can learn new fighting techniques, they are crushing his real memory. As a result, he has forgotten his wife and partner in the field, Mercedes Merced, as well as his involvement with S.H.I.E.L.D. Merced is forced to reveal his cover and Taskmaster remembers his former identity, but before he can reconcile completely, Taskmaster fights an opponent – thus losing his personal memories once again.


Real name: Adrian Toomes

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 2 (1963)

One of the first villains of Spider-Man, Vulture has a very long history with Spider-Man. While he was working as an engineer, Adrian Toomes developed a harness that would allow him to fly, while giving him great strength. He runs into Spider-Man after losing his job and becoming a full-time masked criminal.

Vulture is one of the original Sinister Six members, who were defeated by Spider-Man when he confronted them individually.

Toomes came in and out of jail, liaising with various bad guys and teaming up with them. Thanks to the technology that feeds his wings, he develops cancer, which leads him to turn briefly to heroism. It does not last and he quickly returns to a life of crime.

Many bad guys tried to copy Vulture and took the name. More recently, Toomes upgraded its harness and renamed the Falcon (not to be confused with Sam Wilson's Falcon).

The vulture was the primary antagonist in Spider-Man: Homecoming, where he was played by Michael Keaton. He will appear in the sequel Spider-Man: far from home.


Spider-Man PS4 - Rhino

Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Aleksei Sytsevich

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 41 (1966)

Aleksei Sytsevich was a thug in the Russian mafia. After a series of chemical experiments conducted by two mafia scientists, Sytsevich was endowed with a powerful and durable armor that fused permanently with his skin. Sytsevich was specifically chosen for his brute force as well as for his weak intelligence, which the Mafia hoped to make of him a faithful pawn.

Rhino is usually recruited by more advanced villains, including Leader, Kingpin and Klaw. He briefly gave up his life of crime and got married, but after the murder of his wife Oksana, he came back and joined Sinister Six of Doc Ock. He finally joined the Jackal, forced by the clone of his deceased wife created by New U Technologies of the Jackal. After all the clones of New U were destroyed, Spider-Man managed to convince Rhino to repent and be the man that Oksana would have wanted him to be.

Rhino appears in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, played by Paul Giamatti, first as a civilian identity, and then in Rhino armor at the end of the film.


Spider-Man PS4 - Scorpion

Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Mac Gargan

First impression: Amazing Spider-Man # 19 like Mac Gargan and # 20 like Scorpion (1964, 1965)

Mac Gargan was originally just a private investigator hired by J. Jonah Jameson to follow Peter Parker, to understand how Parker was getting such good pictures of Spider-Man. Parker was able to detect the investigator, so Gargan did not succeed. Jameson became frustrated and paid Gargan for being the subject of an animal-human mutation experiment. Although it gave him powers similar to those of the scorpion, Gargan also lost his sanity.

As a Scorpion, Gargan has superhuman strength, agility, speed, endurance and durability. He also has a mechanical tail and the ability to go up the walls. In addition to Spider-Man, Scorpion has clashed with other heroes, including S.H.I.E.L.D. Sharon Carter, Captain America and Falcon, Anti-Venom and Carol Danvers.

Scorpion comes into contact with the Venom symbiote and becomes his new host for a while. He teams up with various other supervillains and criminal organizations, such as Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers.

A powerless version of Gargan portrayed by Michael Mando appears in Spider-Man: Homecomingwhere he is a criminal instead of a private investigator. He is ready to enter Spider-Man: far from home.

Dr. Octopus

Spider-Man PS4 - Doctor Octopus

Dr. Octopus with his four-armed device.
Insomniac Games / Sony Interactive Entertainment

Real name: Otto Octavius

First impression: The amazing spider-man # 3 (1963)

One of the most famous and famous enemies of Spidey, Dr. Otto Octavius ​​was a brilliant scientist who invented a set of mechanical arms controlled by a brain-computer interface. As a result of a radiological accident, the four-armed apparatus was welded to his body and he turned to crime.

He created the original Sinister Six and ran the following iterations of the group. His crimes caused the death of George Stacy (Gwen Stacy's father), the near-death beating of Black Cat and the drowning of Silver Sable. Although he is one of the deadliest of the Spider-Man comic book, he has recently been described as a moral and honorable character.

At the end of The amazing spider-man # 700, thanks to some great spirit changes and Peter Parker's wishes, Dr. Octopus takes control of Spider-Man's body to become the Spider-Man Superior. During the Superior Spider-Man line, Octavius ​​- now in Peter Parker's body – tries to redeem himself as a hero and become a better Spider-Man than Peter Parker. However, he finally realizes that he will never be so good and allows Peter Parker to recover his body.

Interpreted by Alfred Molina, Dr. Octopus was the first villain in Spider-Man 2, where he faced the Spider-Man of Tobey Maguire.

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