Gunman pulls windows from GOP office in Florida


A gunman in Florida fired at least four shots at Republican party offices in Volusia County, police said on Monday.

Police captain Mark Cheatham, a member of the South Daytona police, told reporters that no one was injured in the shootings that occurred between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. A suspect has also not been identified, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Tony Ledbetter, president of Volusia Co. GOP, told WFTV that a volunteer had discovered that the window had been broken Monday morning. Four bullets pierced the drywall in the office, he said.

"You have a sick person, and I'm going to call them, they're Democrats, and no Republican has any reason to attack our position," said Ledbetter.

The shooting follows a series of political attacks in recent weeks.

On Friday, Cesar Sayoc Jr. was arrested in South Florida for sending at least 12 homemade bombs to various politicians and Democratic personalities, including Barack Obama, the Clinton and Eric Holder. And on Saturday, Robert Bowers killed 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. Bowers' social media posts have shown that he adhered to antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Republicans have also been the target of acts of violence. On October 22, a vandal in Bakersfield, California, threw a huge rock in the offices of Majority House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. (RELATED: Vandals throw a huge boulder through the window of Kevin McCarthy's office)

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