Gwyneth Paltrow reveals premenopausal symptoms at 46


Gwyneth Paltrow wants to change the mark of menopause for women around the world – and she begins by talking about her own experience with her changing body.

The Oscar-winning actress 46, revealed this week that she was in perimenopause, which usually begins several years before menopause, when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. According to the Mayo Clinic, perimenopause is usually seen in 40-year-old women, but can also cause symptoms in the 1930s.

"I think when you go into perimenopause, you notice a lot of changes," she said in a candid video for Goop, the lifestyle brand she founded in 2008. "I can feel the hormonal changes occur: sweating. Moods You are as suddenly furious for no reason. "

Additional symptoms include irregular menstruation, sleep problems, bladder and vaginal problems, loss of bone density and cholesterol levels – some of which appear gradually, says the Mayo Clinic.

"I've changed my approach to fitness, for example to increase the load to increase bone density, and I continue to eat as healthily as possible – whole foods, lots of greens, clean protein sources – in especially at lunch. "She wrote in the Ask GP section of Goop's website, adding," Everyone needs free time in the evening. "

"Even though I was not too focused on my hormones in my 30s," Paltrow continued, "I now do a panel every six months to make sure everything is aligned."

This is not Paltrow's first experience with the side effects of menopause. She had witnessed it when her mother – actress Blythe Danner, 75 – followed the process.

"I remember the days when my mother was in menopause and it was like a big deal and there was grief around her for her and all those emotions," recalled Paltrow.

She is also very aware of how menopause is being talked about – what she hopes to change. "I think that menopause really has a bad name and needs a bit of branding," said Paltrow. "I do not think our society has a great example of an ambitious menopausal woman."

To help, Paltrow strives to reinvent the way women mentally and physically approach "change."

Goop launches Mrs. Ovary, a series of supplements designed to provide additional benefits to women during the many stages of their hormonal change – from those who approach menopause, from menopause, or just after. Comprised of a blend of essential vitamins, herbs, phytonutrients and adaptogens, the supplement diet fights hot flushes, mood swings and stress fatigue, says Goop.

They were formulated with the help of Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read, who has long been helping women cope with hormonal changes and the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.

"At Goop, we wanted to create the Madame Ovary protocol because there were not many products designed to really help us get through this phase," Paltrow said in his video. "We thought we could, with Dr. Dominique Read, give them a real helping hand with this person. Surrounded by love and sufficient personal care is always the way to go.

"Beyond the basic support she provides, I particularly like Madame Ovary's diet for helping to balance my mood," Paltrow added on Goop's website. "I feel like I have fewer days now when I feel grumpy or emotional for no apparent reason. And when I am, a busy schedule is infinitely easier to manage. "

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Gwyneth Paltrow marries Brad Falchuk at the Star Hamptons wedding

The revelation of Paltrow comes at an exciting time in his life. On September 29, she married her 47-year-old husband Brad Falchuk at an intimate ceremony at her home in East Hampton, New York State. Paltrow confirmed the news by unveiling his alliance on Instagram the day after the ceremony.

Many distinguished guests including Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Spielberg, Cameron Diaz and her husband Benji Madden, and Paltrow's Iron Man Robert Downey Jr.

On Wednesday, the newlyweds celebrated their first Halloween as husband and wife, under the name of Jackson Maine and Ally of the hit movie A star is born.

Married life has gone well so far. "It's fantastic," said Paltrow. Glamor UK in October. "I feel so lucky and I am very grateful. It's different from being in midlife; Repeat and bring all your experience, your pain, your happiness, your suffering – everything. It's really very encouraging, I'm very optimistic!

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