Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar, coach Debbie Van Horn accused in Texas


Survivors of Nassar charged the Karolyis, saying that the couple were unaware of the signs of abuse and encouraged an atmosphere of punishment that made stressed gymnasts vulnerable to grooming by a cunning predator.

In an exclusive interview with NBC News Dateline in April, the Karolyis said that they had no idea that Nassar was abusing girls. Their lawyer, David Berg, said they had been "cleared."

"There is no comparison with what the girls have experienced, but Martha and Bela are also victims of Larry Nassar and his assistant Debbie Van Horn. They dedicated their lives to gymnastics and the girls they trained, which just killed them, "he said.

" Our law firm understood from the outset that the Civil charges and lawsuits They are considered a "deep pocket", but really should not be involved at all.

Although the USAG and its former leaders escaped the charges, they were heavily criticized by prosecutors for failing to resort to justice. law enforcement as soon as a suspicion report of abuse was made in June 2015.

"We believe that the USAG has totally failed to protect the athletes who were doing part of their program and take appropriate action from Dr. Nassar's actions, "said Stroud. 659002] As previously reported NBC News, the USAG hired a consultant to investigate the initial allegation and waited five weeks before calling the FBI

"They received information and did not act in a timely manner, "Weeks added. He did not notify the employer of Nassar, Michigan State University, that he was under investigation, and he continued to molest patients there during more than a year. The USAG said it was acting on the FBI's advice, which ordered an internal review of the slowness of its own probe.

Nassar was not exposed as a prolific sexual assaulter until the fall of 2016. At that time, Texas investigators received several reports of death. on the ranch, but handed these charges to the federal government for inclusion in Nassar's plea agreement

. up to 175 years in prison. But public outrage drove the Texas governor to order the Rangers to investigate to find out if there was any reason to lay charges for crimes committed in the state.

Asked why the state took the trouble to sue Nassar Weeks said, "Because that's the right thing to do."

Manly, the survivors' lawyer, said that he was glad that Van Horn was accused, but maintained that it was not enough

"There are at least five I knew that Nassar was molesting little girls and did not report it, "he said." The message to the people who were charged with protecting children is that in Texas, if you do not report the aggressors, nothing will happen to you. "

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