Half Lovato Sharing time between a halfway house and L.A.


Half Lovato

Splitting time between Halfway House and L.A. Home

07/11/2018 01:00 HST


Half Lovato do not immediately dive into her old lifestyle … she splits her time between a halfway house and a private home in Los Angeles.

We are told that Half feels the need to spend a lot of her time in a sober house – 3 days a week – where there are counselors and people she can talk to and share experiences with. At the same time, she wants to resume a normal life and decides to live 4 days a week in a private house.

This normal life includes regular trips to the gym and errands.

She has a sober coach at her side 24/7 … an essential element considering her past, which includes OD near death experience. We are told that she also attends regular AA meetings.

TMZ broke the story … Lovato was spotted in L.A. during the weekend with clothing guru Henry Levy. The two men seemed very comfortable and were holding hands while they ate at Bev Hills.

Lovato was hospitalized in a critical condition back in July after ingesting drugs related to fentanyl. She was released 10 days later and has just completed a 90-day rehab stretch.

Half broke his multi-month break in social media on Tuesday to show she was voting and encouraged his fans to do the same.

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