Halloween butterfly costumes by Kylie Jenner and Stormi may be the cutest thing you see all week – PHOTOS


Well, it's sweeter than a bowl filled with bowling games, nerds and gelatin bears. Over the weekend, Kylie Jenner and Stormi disguised themselves as butterflies for Halloween. (You have to love when Halloween falls on a weekday and the holidays take over for a whole week.) On Monday, Kylie shared some pictures taken by Stormi and her while they were wearing their matching butterfly outfits. The pictures are so cute that you could scream. You could scream. You could squeeze your chest and shout, "So, darling!" Look … if you daaaaare.

What perfect Halloween costume idea for those two, right? It's a nod to Travis Scott's Butterfly Effect, Kylie and Travis's matching butterfly tattoos, Kylie's appreciation for butterfly-themed props and theories about Stormi's name before it's revealed. Butterflies have been a recurring theme in the history of this family of three, and it seems like these matching Halloween sets maintain this theme.

Oh, and do not forget that the makeup mogul is also extremely afraid of butterflies. As she said during the first season of Kylie's life,

"Butterflies are part of Kylie's secrets – it's a bit ironic because I'm terrified of butterflies – all butterflies – that's how I think them: cut off the wings, and if you Just look at their bodies, they are not so pretty, it's literally a bug. "

So, for Kylie, these butterfly costumes are not just cute Halloween looks. They dressed as if something was scary in Kylie's heart. Threading a butterfly costume is probably Kylie's version of Michael Myers 'mask, Pennywise's face painting or Billy Loomis' white t-shirt. Uh, it's a bit like that. There is one key difference: butterflies are real. Wow, spooky things.

And without further ado, here are the matching pink butterfly costumes of Kylie and Stormi in all their precious glory.

Stormi's tie! Stormi's tie! Stormi & # 39; s! Hair! To attach!

Halloween has not even officially taken place and these two have already won everything.

Halloween 2018 is Stormi's first Halloween, but his butterfly look is not his first Halloween costume. One day before the weekend before Halloween, Kylie organized a "Halloween dinner for girls" where she and her friends sat next to their skeletons, had dinner under a swarm of butterflies goth and wore a matching hat.

In a mirror selfie that Kylie posted on Instagram Stories, she and her friends pose like in the 2018 release of Silly SymphonyThe skeleton dance. In another IG story, Kylie shared a picture she took with her daughter. And yes, Stormi was also in a skeleton body. And yes, the mother-daughter skeleton onesies are more than pretty.

Again, Kylie and Stormi have already nailed two Halloween costumes this year, and the holidays are still a day and a half. What could Wednesday contain? I can not wait to see what the queen of social media has at the top of her wing, uh.

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