"Halloween" crushed the box office this weekend – and Jamie Lee Curtis has marked the story


Some celebrities claim to ignore the commercial side of the industry – they say they do not pay attention to the pitch of their song in the radio charts, the number of people watching their TV show or selling tickets for the opening weekend. movie.

Jamie Lee Curtis, however, did not even pretend to play coldly this weekend. On Friday, his much-awaited horror sequel, "Halloween," grossed $ 33.3 million at the box office, the first opening day of October. This film beat the superhero movie "Venom", breaking the record two weeks ago with 32.5 million dollars. Curtis was delighted, thanking the fans who saw the movie the first night.

"Well, I guess the [horse]The race is on and my competition series has started, "tweeted Curtis, who took over her star role as Laurie Strode, fighting against psychopathic killer Michael Myers. Suddenly, the film was about to break the record "Venom" opening weekend of $ 80 million, the most record ever recorded for an October movie. "Let's leave VAPID VENOM in the dust!"

In fact, Curtis just missed the October record "Venom". But "Halloween" has once again crushed the box office, yielding an impressive $ 77.5 million in three days. On Sunday, Curtis allows himself an "advertisement" on Twitter, describing some of the film's accomplishments that have marked the story:

"The biggest horror film that begins with a female role. The biggest movie opening with a woman over 55 years old. Second largest film opening in October. The biggest Halloween opening ever, "tweeted Curtis, adding the hashtag #WomenGetThingsDone.

As the message has been retweeted over 14,000 times and even answer Dwayne's "The Rock" Johnson ("Wow !! … Raising the Bar !!"), Curtis could have bragged a few more times – but she's left there, even though the first two facts she's These are particularly significant.

After all, it's no secret that there is a major gender imbalance in the movies. In a study published in 2018 at the Annenberg School of the University of Southern California for Communication and Journalism, which thoroughly examines diversity in Hollywood, the authors examined 1,100 popular films from 2007 to 2017. Of these films, only about 30% of the characters on the screen were female, and only 23% of the female characters were 40 years of age or older.

And in 2017, according to the study, 31 films featured a male or a co-author aged 45 or older. How many movies have a co-led woman or 45 years old or older? Only five.

Curtis did not even mention the fact that "Halloween", which marked the 40th anniversary and the 11th installment of the famous franchise, is also the second-largest opening of a classified horror film. A. The Mojo box office said it was lagging behind "It," which had earned $ 123 million in the first weekend, although it beat "The Nun," who had started with $ 53.8 million last month.

So, not only "Halloween" continues the series of very successful horror movies in Hollywood, but it proves once again that the public (watch out, the leaders!) Will pay a lot of money to see movies directed by women.

And it's always a timely lesson. Just last week, the producer of "Halloween" Jason Blum had to apologize after an interview in which he stated that there were few horror film directors because " there are not many female directors, let alone people who tend to be horrifying. "

"Thank you all for calling me on my stupid comments in this interview. I've made a stupid mistake, "he tweeted later, adding," Some of our most successful franchises are rooted in women, including one that opens tomorrow / today and is led by the greatest female legend of this kind.

Read more:

"Halloween": 40 years ago, Laurie Strode was trotting in my head. She is always there.

A short guide to spooky culture, the Halloween Internet haven in a scary world

'I made a stupid mistake': Jason Blum apologizes for his comments on the directors

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