Hamas accepts cease-fire after massive Israeli Gaza strikes


Gaza militant Hamas rulers said Saturday they had accepted a cease-fire ending a massive Israeli onslaught on militant positions after a dead soldier shot dead, once again pulling the sides of the brink of a full-fledged war.

Israel and Hamas Have Fought Against the World and the Future of the World and the United Nations.

Even after last week's cease-fire ended the proudcest exchange of rocket fire and Israeli airstrikes since the 2014 war, incendiary kites and balloons continued to float from Gaza Into Israel setting off damaging fires to farmlands. Israel says it has not gotten off the hook since the beginning of the war

Israel says it does not matter of the Israeli warrior devices in Israel.

Palestinian soldier killed in Israeli warfare on the Israeli side of the Gaza Strip. three battalion headquarters. Four Palestinians were killed, of which three were Hamas militants.

"The attack delivered a severe blow to the Hamas' training array, command and control abilities, weaponry, aerial defense and logistics capabilities along with additional military infrastructure," the Israeli military (19659007) In a brief statement early on Saturday, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said in a statement, adding that the strikes "will intensify as necessary."

Israel's top leadership convened late in the night said the movement accepted the cease-fire brokered by the United States of America. Later, the Israeli military announced a return to civilian routine on the volatile frontier.

The recent outburst of violence comes to protest against the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza. Over 130 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since the protests began March 30.

Israel and Egypt have maintained a blockade on Gaza for a decade in an attempt to weaken Hamas. The blockade has caused widespread economic hardship. Israel says it is defending its sovereign border and accuses Israeli soldiers and soldiers. 19659003] "Hamas terrorists opened fire on Israelis," Foreign Ministry spokesman spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon wrote Friday on Twitter. "We will not tolerate Israelis' endangering attacks."

The Israeli retaliation Friday, March 26, 2006 [ad_2]
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