Hamilton surprised by Ferrari did not use the orders of the team


After Hamilton had the chance to win the victory in Sochi when his Mercedes team asked Bottas to replace him, the world championship leader said that he did not understand why his main rival, Ferrari, did not understand. did not act the same way when opportunities arose.

"We only received orders from teams in a race, but we worked as a team in others," Hamilton said before the Japanese GP.

"So, there were times when Valtteri was not in the top five and there was a Ferrari, a Ferrari and me – and the Ferraris worked together – to do that they would stop a car. I'll have to stop.

"So they're going to work as a team in some parts of the years, but in some crucial cases, like in Monza, they did not do it, and is it a surprise, yeah." They did it in the past, so why did they change? "" But that's not my problem. "

Although Hamilton understands the value of team orders to revive his title challenge, he admits he remains in conflict over the role they play in F1.

"I do not think you have it in mind," he says. "You have to accept it and go ahead, and I am definitely divided, just as all people have mixed opinions about it.

"On one side, I feel a point of view, and on the other side, I think of another, but it happened, it's done and dusted off. But collectively, as a team, we stayed very united throughout the experience. "

Bottas also understood that the chances of getting other team orders to help Hamilton remain at the moment.

"I just need to accept it," he said. "It's now the situation because of everything that happened earlier in the season.

"So yes, I can not fight for the championship anymore, I'm a team player, so I'm ready to help.

"I love nothing more than winning races and fighting for the championship and that's what I want to do.It will always be my ultimate goal for every weekend and I hope that it can happen.

"But I'm also a team player, that's what we do, we're a strong team and we want to win both titles, we have to work as a team if we want to do it."

When asked if he was resigned to not being able to win against Hamilton again until the championship was settled, Bottas said, "No, it's not like that, I think I'm definitely allowed to win, [but] it will depend on the situation.

"Honestly, I think last weekend, if Lewis had not had the light bulb, he had not suffered so much pressure from Sebastian, could he?" to be that the team would not have done so, so this will be done on a case-by-case basis. "

Asked what he was expecting from Bottas, Hamilton said, "I understand he needs to do the best job possible at the weekend, I can not come here thinking that Valtteri has to work for me. No."

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