Parents have been warned that children are being hit by a wave of hand, foot and mouth disease which is sweeping across Britain.
Some schools have seen a number of cases involving the virus which can lead to painful symptoms, including red deers, for both children and adults.
The disease poses a risk to pregnant women in their first trimester because of a high temperature – one of the symptoms – can lead to miscarriage, while babies can also be born with a mild version of it.
Several pre-schools in Somerset say they have seen growing numbers of cases and parents are looking for signs.
Cases have also been reported in the popular Spanish holiday spot Majorca.

(Image: Danielle MacIntyre / SWNS.com)
Several British kids have contracted the disease, with one pair of twins left with the 'worst case' that doctors had ever seen.
Nine-month-old twins, Mila-Rose and Kyson, became covered in painful and contagious red sores during a long-break week in Majorca last month.
The McCabe family, from Solihull, flew to Spain on September 19 and the first symptoms of the disease.
After being cleared to fly, they returned to the family of GPs told the twins' Kimberley mum, 28, that they had the worst case of the disease ever seen.
The mum-of-two said the family was not warned of the outbreak before they arrived.

(Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto)
"There were no signs of the outbreak during check-in, but there was a severe case of hand, foot and mouth disease spreading.
"My poor babies were covered in red angry blisters from head to toe, they were so poorly that it completely ruined our holiday."
She said the twins were just two of almost all the other cases of the disease, but the hotel denied that any outbreak took place prior to September.
Kimberley said "As I walked around the resort there were hundreds of cases – I could visibly see the effect it was having on so many other babies and children."
The hairdresser claims that there are also many women at the hotel and that the disease can be potentially life-threatening to unborn babies.
It's an infection caused by a group of viruses and a high temperature, loss of appetite, a cough and a throat thore and mouth.
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Typically two days later red, flat, discolored spots or bumps appear which can blister on the hands, feet, inside the mouth and occasionally on the buttocks.
From these, painful ulcers can develop which makes eating and drinking tough, especially for youngsters.
As it is caused by a virus there is no cure and antibiotics will not help. You should be able to manage your child at home. People can get it more than once.
Dr. Nick Phin, deputy director of the National Infection Service for Public Health England, said "Hand, foot and mouth disease is a mild viral illness that mostly affects children.
"The infection can cause a throat, high temperature and loss of appetite, and a rash after a few days.
"Keeping hydrated, eating soft foods, and taking age-appropriate doses of paracetamol or ibuprofen will help relieve your child's symptoms.
"To stop hand, foot and mouth disease spreading further, practice good hygiene and keep your child off school.
The NHS says you can help:
Keep them at home until they are feeling better.
Keep them hydrated – plenty of fluids and give younger children smaller, more frequent feeds.
Offer soft foods and paracetamol to relieve bread and discomfort.
But most cases will not need medical attention, see a doctor if your child stops drinking, shows signs of dehydration, is unusually tired, of 39 degrees and above.
Also see if the skin becomes very painful, red, swollen, hot to touch or discharges, or the symptoms do not improve after seven to ten days.
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