Harris Staffer Tyrone Gayle dies after a battle with cancer


Tyrone Gayle, press secretary to Senator Kamala Harris, died of colon cancer Thursday night.

Ian Sams, director of communications for Senator Tim Kaine, shared the news.

"There will always be a hole in my heart and thousands of hearts (#GayleNation) the size of TG," said Sams.

Gayle was diagnosed during the 2016 campaign cycle as Hillary's national spokesperson for America. He started the campaign as a regional press secretary and director of African-American media.

He had been working for Harris since arriving in the Senate in January 2017. The senator stated that she was "torn" and that Gayle was "a valuable and valued member of her team".

"Tyrone started with me on the first day at my Senate office and cared so much about the people we fight for every day. For Tyrone, nothing was too small or too big to do, "she wrote. "He did this work tirelessly, always with a smile or a kind gesture. And he never lost confidence in our ability to do good to the people of this country. Tyrone is irreplaceable. "

He is survived by his six-month-old wife, Beth Foster.

Kaine officiated the marriage. The senator recalled Friday in a statement: "I preached about the unusual repetition in a line of the Lord's Prayer:" give us our daily bread that day ". Not enough for all time, but enough for today. And Tyrone lived – and shared – a life filled with beautiful and beautiful days. "

"Everyone who has crossed the path of Tyrone has been touched by his warmth, humor and positive energy."

The senator included A. Housman's poem "To an Athlete Dying Young" in his statement.

"God bless Beth and the whole Gayle family. As Ty would say: Clear eyes, full hearts, can not lose, "he wrote.

Prior to the Clinton campaign, Gayle was Western Regional Press Attaché for the Democratic-Congolese Congress Campaign Committee, Deputy Director of Communications of the Senate Steering Committee and Liaison for Democracy, and Tim Kaine's Special Assistant when she was in charge. he was governor of Virginia.

Last month, a GoFundMe effort led by Jesse Lehrich, former Clinton spokesperson and friend of Gayle's, raised funds to cover medical expenses. Lehrich also participated in the Chicago Marathon earlier this month to raise funds.

Gayle graduated from Clemson University, where he headed Division I in 2010. He spoke about his fight against cancer in The Newsstand of his alma mater last year.

"I hope I breathe," he said, citing the official motto of the South Carolina representative, James E. Clyburn, at the 2010 Gayle graduation, which is what he says. he took to heart.

"I've defeated cancer once and I'm going to beat it again," he said then.

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