Hartford receives a dose of reality at Larson Forum on Hartford Road Tunnels


Seattle planners on Monday gave Hartford an overview of a $ 3.3-billion road tunnel to replace an aging viaduct: economic development and reconnection with its waterfront.

But they also cautioned against over-reliance on federal funding for the project.

"The federal share of this project was less than 30%," said Paula Hammond, former secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation. "The time when the interstate system was built was 90% federal and 10% counterpart. These days are gone.

Hammond was among Seattle visitors on a panel that was part of an event organized by US representative John Larson, a strong supporter of burying Interstate 84 and Interstate 91 in Hartford. and connect them to a huge underground interchange.

Larson, the first district congressman, said the cost of the two-tunnel project – the first estimate is between $ 10 billion and $ 50 billion – would be paid with federal dollars. Larson, a Democrat, also said the funding would not be at the expense of other projects in Connecticut.

Larson said a new federal government initiative to improve the country's roads and bridges will be launched. And if Democrats regain a majority in the US House of Representatives in mid-term elections in November, Mr. Larson will play a leading role in the powerful Ways and Means Committee tasked with seeking funds for Hartford.

"I know the congressman is working on trying to find a transport investment law that will really help states," said Hammond.

The Monday event at the Hartford Club attracted about 175 people, with a wide range of business leaders and community leaders.

Seattle visitors said the 2-mile tunnel would replace an old viaduct, opening up a waterfront property zone for redevelopment, parks and tourist attractions. The tunnel should open this autumn and the viaduct will be dismantled.

Learn more about it: Seattle leaders write about their experiences by replacing a road viaduct with a tunnel. "

Private investment is already tracking public dollars, they said.

"In the eight square blocks of the viaduct, literally in the shadow of the overpass, more than $ 1 billion has been invested in buying and renovating properties," said Bob Donegan, a community leader. Seattle business. the thrust for the tunnel.

The Larson tunnel proposal is one of six alternatives studied to reduce congestion at the I-84 and I-91 interchange and is only at a preliminary stage. It is separate from the I-84 viaduct replacement planning, but the two projects are so closely related that they should work together.

Planners in the Connecticut Department of Transportation are concerned that the tunnel system will not be able to decongest, based on early analysis. Two-thirds of travelers on the highway are directed to local destinations, according to the state's Transportation Department.

"And that's where the analysis shows it's problematic," said James Redeker, the state's transport commissioner, after Monday's meeting. "Even if you remove 30% of the traffic, what remains is important."

During a discussion, Chuck Sheehan, former Executive Director of the Metropolitan District Commission, Regional Water and Sewer Administration, addressed another concern of the Connecticut DOT: there would be no exit of the tunnel.

Sheehan noted that the tunnel would only be for "through" traffic. Local traffic would flow on the city boulevards that would be built on the right-of-way where the highways are currently located.

After the meeting, Redeker said the traffic analysis to date shows that the boulevards would look more like super-highways.

"They will be very wide and it's no longer an urban boulevard," said Redeker. "Now it's one – I do not know what it is – but it's definitely not a pedestrian, a friendly urban environment."

Monday's presentation underscored the complex nature of Larson's vision of Seattle, and perhaps closer to Boston's "Big Dig". Hartford, like Boston, depends heavily on federal dollars; and it is complicated by the exchange of two roads.

"I love big vision," said Toni Gold, urban designer and West End resident of Hartford, after the meeting. "But the differences, which has struck me, is that there are more differences than similarities between Seattle and Hartford."

She added, "We are much more like a Big Dig. [Seattle] had a parallel road, they have no interstate intersection. They had an easier problem, and it was not so easy.

At the end of Monday's event, Larson said his tunnel plan could evolve.

"Nothing works if you can not get the money you need," said Larson. "So, that remains the question. That's why I'm fighting, to get the money there. "

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