Harvard calls for the retraction of dozens of studies by a reputed cardiologist


A leading cardiologist at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston fabricated or falsified data in 31 published studies that should be retracted, officials said.

Dr. Piero Anversa, a cardiologist, published research suggesting that damaged heart muscle could be regenerated with stem cells, a type of cell capable of turning into a variety of other cells.

Although other laboratories have not been able to replicate its findings, this work has led to the creation of new companies to develop new treatments for heart attacks and strokes, and have inspired a huge clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health.

"Some articles may seem alarming, but 31 additional articles are almost unknown," said Benoit Bruneau, deputy director of cardiovascular research at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco. "It's almost complete work, and therefore almost an entire field of research, that is in question."

Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital began their review of Dr. Antwerpa's publications in January 2013. In April 2017, Brigham and Women's Hospital agreed to donate $ 10 million to the government. federal government to resolve charges that Dr. Anversa submitted fraudulent data to enable research. funding.

Harvard officials said 31 studies of Dr. Anversa, a cardiologist, should be withdrawn.CreditNew York Medical College, via Associated Press

Officials at Harvard refused to say why it took so long to act on Dr. Antwerpa's published works. Dr. Anversa could not be reached for comment.

The cardiologist became famous in 2001 with a flashy paper claiming that, contrary to scientific consensus, the heart muscle could be regenerated. If that were true, the research would have been of enormous importance to patients around the world.

His method was to collect stem cells from the bone marrow and inject them into the heart. As if by magic, he said, the stem cells turned into heart cells and repaired the damage. The first studies were conducted on mice, but the discovery electrified the researchers.

But what about companies that sell stem cell-based treatments for the heart?

"People wanted to believe," he said.

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