Has become known why Kazakhstan chose the American instead of the Russian rocket


Стало известно, почему Казахстан выбрал американскую ракету вместо российской

The launch of the two satellites will take place on 19 November from the Vandenberg Spaceport.Kazakhstan will launch two KazSaySat and KazistiSat satellites for scientific and technological purposes, respectively – with the SpaceX Falcon 9, making the choice in its favor, not one of the Russian missiles, reports Chronicle.info in reference to League.

The press secretary of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry, Aset Nurkenov, commented that the decision was dictated by purely financial considerations – it was cheaper. Data on the cost of start-up Nurkenov does not say, citing the "trade secret".

It does not rule out that in the future, the same spacecraft that Kazakhstan will send from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

The launch will take place on November 19 from the Baikonur military base in Vandenberg, California.

"KazSaySat was collected in Almaty at the Institute of Space Technology and Technology", – said in the message.

His task is to monitor natural phenomena, including earthquakes. KazistiSat will be used to predict the performance of machines in this configuration in space.

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