Has Ohio State regained its main place?


COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio State Head Coach, Urban Meyer, and his team of coaches since the beginning of the season, have spent the series between their last two half.

Junior Mike Weber and sophomore J.K. The Dobbins combined to accumulate 1291 yards and 10 touchdowns on 248 runs. Both have had ups and downs this season, but the constant is that no matter what type of game you can have, the Buckeyes respect the script.

After a disappointing performance of both players in the 49-20 defeat at Purdue on Saturday, Oct. 20, Meyer pointed out that the current game would be more focused on Nebraska. Meyer said that despite the fumbles, he was pleased to see both players showing the ability to play games from scratch.

"I thought they both had it," Meyer said. "You sit and watch the matches last Saturday and you say" there's a guy doing something with that. "And I thought the focus was there all week.

In his 36-31 win over Nebraska on Saturday, Nov. 3, Dobbins clearly rattled things from start to finish while Weber fought for much of the first half. Despite this, half of the coaches chose to continue to alternate the two series.

Watch the video for our opinion on how the Buckeyes should approach the current game. Then give us your opinion on what you think is the best option.

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