Hasan Minhaj debuts on Netflix, Kimmel's Halloween joke and other late night news: Watch


Courtesy of Netflix

Hasan Minhaj broke the threat of positive action in the debut of Netflix Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj.

In his first on Netflix, he filed a lawsuit against a group of American-Asian pursuers Harvard, accusing the university of unjustly favoring other minorities in their admissions process. Regarding the lawsuit, Minhaj said: "Our whole life, we are in a dead end – oh, you have little cocks, you are bad drivers, you are in the color of poo, you smell curry and kimchi At the moment we can not enter Harvard, we say, "I see you in court, bastard!

He added that Asians accounted for 5.8% of the US population, but 22.2% of the class admitted to Harvard last year. "We are dealing with all the other minority groups, but in the classical style of Asian parents, we say," Twenty-two percent? Why not 100 percent? ", Mocked Minhaj.

He concluded the show by saying, "For members of the Asian community who insist:" We just want equality, we are American citizens; treat us as Americans, "that's fine, but if you're ready to act as if racism was not doing something, team up with lawyers, then go to court when you do not do not succeed, you're right, you really are an American, you happen to be the worst guy. "

Minhaj also discussed the wider relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States in its other segment of Sunday. Part of his article was devoted to the offensive language describing Saudi Arabia and its citizens in a military document, for which the army has since apologized.

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