Hatch makes fun of Warren during a DNA test with his own results showing "1/1032 T-Rex"


Sen. Orrin AxOrrin Grant HatchHatch makes fun of Warren about a DNA test showing his own results: "1/1032 T-Rex" Romney defends Trump's policy as "effective", the disputes he has run with the movement " Never Trump "GOP Freaked To Fill Vacancies At The Supreme Court By 2020 MORE (R-Utah) laughed at Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenHatch makes fun of Warren about a DNA test with his own results showing that Warren's DNA test on 1/1032 T-Rex reinvigorates the fight with Trump On The Money : the deficit reaches its highest level in nine years | Yellen says Trump attacks threaten Fed | Affordable housing in the limelight in 2020 (D-Mass.) Monday for having published a DNA test revealing his Amerindian origins.

Warren, potential candidate for the presidency of 2020, results of published DNA tests who "strongly support" his claim to have an Amerindian ancestor six to ten generations ago.

"These DNA tests are quite something," Hatch tweeted with a photo of him apparently checking his results.

President TrumpDonald John TrumpAuthor's Keynote Debate in Arizona Senate A major Hollywood arts firm is considering rejecting Saudi investments: the Mattis report said it thought "nothing at all" about the fact that Trump could leave the administration. MORE and other Republicans have often piqued Warren for hinting that she had a Native American heritage, accusing Trump of lying and naming her by the pejorative term "Pocahontas."

White House Councilor Kellyanne ConwayKellyanne Elizabeth ConwayHatch mocks Warren about a DNA test with his own results showing "1/1032 T-Rex" Conway responds to Warren's DNA test: "Junk Science" that "does not interest me really "Watchdog files suit against Hatch Act against Sanders to get a picture with Kanye in MAGA hat PLUS Warren swept Warren's results, calling it "the science of juke".

"I did not watch the test," Conway said Monday. "I know everyone likes to choose the science of junk food or sound science based on the conclusion it seems like a few days."

"But I have not looked at the DNA test and it does not really interest me," Conway added.

Warren claims to have Cherokee blood, but the Cherokee Nation has called for attempting to establish a connection with the tribal nation.

"Using a DNA test to assert any connection with the Cherokee Nation or a tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and erroneous," said Secretary of State Chokee Hoskin Jr., a secretary of State of the Cherokee Nation. legitimate uses while dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. "

Hoskin accused Warren of "undermining tribal interests with his ongoing claims of tribal inheritance".

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