"Hate is not what America represents." He is less sure of Trump.



"Saturday in Pittsburgh, at the Tree of Life synagogue, a mass shooter murdered 11 faithful," in "the most serious act of violence against the Jewish people in American history," Stephen Colbert said Monday. Last show. "It's tragic, it's disgusting, and our thoughts are with the victims, their families, and the Jewish community as a whole." But more than that, I mean that hate is not not what America represents, and tonight we are all with you. "He highlighted some concrete examples of this support.

"Naturally, in such times, our country relies on its president for comfort and guidance," said Colbert. "It's our first mistake." He noted that Trump had initially suggested that the synagogue should have had an armed guard, and then Trump's factual reason for not canceling a rally a few hours later. "So, Trump's instinct when he was approaching a tragedy was to lie about another tragedy," Colbert said. "I think lying about everything associated with 9/11 is a handicap for the presidency – or, in fact, for any job." But Trump made a joke about the cancellation of the rally because of his "bad hair" and Colbert had some thoughts.

"Of course, the tragedy of this weekend makes last week's serial bomber look like a light smiles story," said Colbert. So, he made some jokes about the defendant, Cesar Sayoc, like: "Live from his van? My God, he's the most titled DJ I know." But were these attacks really inspired by Trump's "campaign of racist fear" and attacks on the press and other "enemies"? Colbert asked. He played, then slammed, denial of the White House and Trump's blame transfer. For example, he said, "there is no way to know for sure if Sayoc was a fan of President Trump – unless you see him at a Trump rally, or wearing a MAGA hat in front of the bus. from Trump, or take a look at his van, which features the world's most MAGA-tastic fan art collage. "Look below. Peter Weber

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