"Hate speech says nothing as it is. It's Just Hate & # 39;


Hillary Clinton has launched a new attack on President Donald Trump, accusing him of intentionally using racist language to incite racial tension and claiming that the president "undermines" the country's democratic institutions with its vitriol.

In an editorial published by L & # 39; Atlantic On Sunday, Clinton went after what she called Trump's "War on Truth and Reason" as well as her relentless attacks on the media, the corruption within her administration, the president deals with the ongoing allegations of collusion and incapacity to the public service.

She noted the inherent "heckling" nature of democracies and how they eventually blend together.

"Democracies are noisy by nature. We debate freely and strongly disagree. That's part of what sets us apart from authoritarian societies, where dissent is forbidden, "wrote Clinton. "But we are held together by deep bonds of affection," as Abraham Lincoln said, and by the common belief that apart from our miscegenation, there is a unified whole that is stronger than the sum of our parts. "

Clinton continued, "Trump does not even try to pretend to be a president for all Americans. It's hard to ignore the racial subtext of almost everything Trump says. Often, it's not even a subtext. When he says that Haitian and African immigrants come from "Shithole country", it is impossible to misunderstand. Same thing when he says that one can not trust an American judge because of his Mexican heritage. None of this is a mark of authenticity or a refreshing break from the politically correct. Hate speech is not 'saying it as it is'. It's just hatred. "

Clinton also accused the powerful Mercer family and the Koch brothers of Trump's ancestry and Russia's obstruction of the 2016 election.

"For many years, our defenses have been exhausted by a small group of far-right billionaires – people like the Mercer family and Charles and David Koch – who have spent a lot of time and money building an alternative reality where science is denied. as truth and paranoia flourish, "wrote Clinton. "By undermining the common factual framework that allows a free people to deliberate together and make important decisions of autonomy, they have paved the way for the infection of Russian propaganda and Trumpian lies. They used their money and influence to capture our political system, impose a right-wing agenda and deprive millions of Americans of their rights.

clinton slammed clinton hate speech Former First Lady Hillary Clinton speaks on stage at the 8th annual Elly Awards ceremony organized by the Women's Forum of New York at The Plaza on June 18 in New York. The New York Women's Forum via Getty Images / Mike Coppola

After the recent speech by former President Barack Obama, Clinton attacked the current White House president as he sought to stimulate democratic attempts to resume at least the House of Representatives, or even the Senate, in November.

Obama made similar statements to Clinton's about the race earlier this month, citing Trump's first reactions to a deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville more than a year ago.

"It should not be democratic or republican to say that we are not targeting certain groups of people according to their appearance or the way they pray," Obama said. "We are American. We are supposed to resist the brutes, not follow them. We are supposed to resist discrimination. And we are sure that we are supposed to defend clearly and unequivocally the Nazi sympathizers. How can it be difficult to say that the Nazis are bad?"

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